Verify the balance of a gift card

This API helps you to verify the balance of a guest's Zenoti gift card.

If the guest's gift card contains sufficient balance, you can redeem the gift card to collect payment for an invoice.

You must specify appropriate data for the giftcard_number parameter.

Response Details

balancedecimalIndicates the balance of the guest's gift card.
user_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the guest.
expirydatetimeExpiry date details of the guest's gift card.
typestringType of the guest's specified gift card.
statusstringIndicates whether the gift card is available to be redeemed.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the error table below.


codeintStatus code that represents the type of the error.
messagestringMessage that describes the error.

Error Message Details

Error MessageError CodeDescription
invalid giftcard_number.436If the guest's gift card number is not valid.
Gift Card Does not exist.436If the guest's gift card details could not be retrieved.
user cannot access.502If you do not have the required permissions to verify the guest's gift card balance.
unable to check giftcard balance.492If the guest's gift card balance could not be verified.
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