Book a class session

This API helps you to create a booking for the specified class session for a signed-in guest.

You must provide a unique identifier of the session as session_id in the API request. The API then returns the RegistrationId and RegistrationStatusId details of the booking.

Response Details

SuccessbooleanIndicates whether the specified class session was successfully booked.
RegistrationIdintUnique identifier of the class registration.
RegistrationStatusIdintUnique identifier of the status of registration of the class session.
ErrorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the Error Object table.

Error Object

502 - Invlid InputPlease pass the SessionId to which the user should be registered.
1015 - UserNotLoggedinPlease login to register for a class.
1022 - RegistrationLockWindowStartedCannot be Enrolled/Registered to the session, the registration lock window has begun.
1019 - WaitlistLockWindowStartedCannot be added to the waitlist, the lock window has begun.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!