Retrieve the list of security roles in a center

This API helps you to fetch the list of security roles in a center.

You must specify appropriate details for the type parameter in the API request.

Response Details

security_rolesobjectObject that contains security ID and security role-related elements. For more information, refer to the security_roles Object table.
page_infoobjectObject that contains the pagination-related elements of the response. For more information, refer to the page_info Object table.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the error Object table.

security_roles Object

idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the security role.
namestringName of the security role in the center. For example, Inventory Manager.

page_info Object

totalintTotal records found in the response.
pageintNumber of pages to be viewed.
sizeintNumber of records displayed per page.

error Object

502Type 0 will only be supported at present that is for only center.
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