Create a group invoice

This API helps you to create a group invoice.

To create a group invoice, you must specify in the API request body the required group_name and invoice_ids details. After you add the required details, this API automatically creates a group invoice.

Request Body Details

Name of the group invoice.
invoice_idsCollection of guidMandatory
The collection of invoice IDs that are to be included in the group invoice.

Response Details

is_invoice_createdbooleanIf true, it indicates that the API has successfully created the group invoice.
group_invoiceobjectObject that contains various group invoice-related elements. For more information, refer to the group_invoice Object table.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the error Object table.

group_invoice Object

IdguidUnique 32-character identifier of the group invoice.
namestringName of the group invoice.
host_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the payment host used for payment of the group invoice.
payment_made_byguidUnique 32-character identifier of the guest who paid the group invoice amount.
InvoicesobjectObject that contains various invoices-related elements.
RedemptionsobjectObject that contains various redemptions-related elements.
PaymentsobjectObject that contains various payments-related elements.
PriceobjectObject that contains various price-related elements.
GroupRedemptionsobjectObject that contains various group invoice redemptions-related elements.

error Object

502Invalid inputs.
The invoice_id is not passed.
4001This invoice has already been partially paid.
4002You’ve already accepted payment for this group invoice. You cannot add any more invoices to this group bill.
4003This invoice is part of another group bill and cannot be added to this group bill.
4004You cannot add selected invoice, since it has recurring membership.
4005You cannot add selected invoice, since it has membership redemption which need One Time Password.
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