Retrieve therapist pricing and price scaling for a service of a center

This API allows you to retrieve the details of all the therapists who can perform a particular service at a center. We can also filter on the basis of whether the catalog for the therapist is enabled or not.

Response Object

meta_dataObjectObject containing all the meta data information of the API.
therapistsObjectObject containing all the information regarding the therapists of the center.

Meta-data Object

any_minintMinimum duration of a service if "Any" therapist is selected.
any_maxintMaximum duration of a service if "Any" therapist is selected.
male_minintMinimum duration of service if "Male" therapist is selected.
male_maxintMaximum duration of a service if "Male" therapist is selected.
female_minintMinimum duration of service if "Female" therapist is selected.
female_maxintMaximum duration of service if "Female" therapist is selected.
has_male_therapistsboolTrue = If the center has any available male therapists.
False = If the center does not have any available male therapists.
has_female_therapistsboolTrue = If the center has any available female therapists.
False = If the center does not have any available female therapists.

Therapist Object

idguidUnique identifier of the therapist.
display_namestringThe display name of the therapist.
emailstringEmail address of the therapist.
FirstNamestringFirst name of the therapist.
genderstringGender of the therapist.
image_pathsstringURL of the image of the therapist.
last_namestringLast name of the therapist.
middle_namestringMiddle name of the therapist.
nick_namestringNick name of the therapist.
priceintPrice scaling information of the chosen therapist.
service_timeintTime within which the therapist can perform the service.
is_catalog_enabledboolTrue = Catalog is enabled for the therapist.
False = Catalog is disabled for the therapist.

Error Object

AP008Invalid service id
GE003Invalid center id
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