List all memberships of a guest

This API helps you to retrieve the membership history of the respective guest. You must specify the unique identifier of the guest as guest_id in the request. If you want to breakdown the list of memberships by their status, you must pass the expand parameter is_active. If you are using api_key to retrieve the data, it is mandatory to specify the center_id details in the request.

Response Details

guest_membershipsobjectObject containing a list of all the memberships of the guest.
UserMembershipsobjectObject containing details of all the guest's memberships.
freeze_reasonsobjectObject containing the details of freeze reasons of the guest's membership.
cancel_reasonsobjectObject containing the details of the cancel reasons of the guest's membership.

guest_membership object

user_membership_idguidUnique identifier of the user membership
statusenumCurrent status of the membership: Active = 1, InActive = 2, Frozen = 3, Cancelled = 4, Expired = 5, Closed = 6, NotStarted = 7, Suspended = 8, Refund = 9, Deleted = 10, Failed = 12, Default = -1
is_refundedboolRefund status of the membership
recurrence_statusenumRecurrence status of the membership: Active = 1, InActive = 2, Frozen = 3, Cancelled = 4, Expired = 5, Closed = 6, NotStarted = 7, Suspended = 8, Refund = 9, Deleted = 10, Failed = 12, Default = -1
redeemablebool?Whether the membership is redeemable
membershipobjectMembership object containing type of the membership: All = -1, Non Recurring = 0, Recurring = 1, Setup = 2
invoiceobjectInvoice object containing Id, invoice no, status and receipt no
expiry_datedatetimeDate on which the membership will expire
next_collection_datedatetimeDate on which you must collect the membership fees
credit_balanceobjectBalance details of the membership containing service, product and other balances with comments
credit_amountintThe credit amount available in the membership
servicesobjectServices object containing details such as Id, name, balance, expired, frequency.
productsobjectCredit amount details of the membership containing total, service, product and other amounts
redemption_setting_detailsstringRedemption setting details containing totalpayment, initial recognized revenue etc
invoice_center_idguid?Unique Identifier of the Invoice Center
restrict_cross_center_redemptionbool?Whether Cross Center Redemption is allowed
next_collection_amountdecimalDenotes the amount that will be collected next as part of the guest's membership.
freeze_fee_amountdecimalDenotes the amount of the freeze fee on the guest's membership.
freeze_fee_next_collection_datedatetimeDenotes the collection date of the freeze fee.
cancel_fee_amountdecimalDenotes the amount of the cancel fee charged on the guest's membership.
cancel_fee_next_collection_datedatetimeDenotes the collection date of the cancel fee.
upgrade_optionsobjectDetails containing id, name, is_upgrade, price, is_annual_fee_enabled, annual_fee, can_prorate
downgrade_optionsobjectDetails containing id, name, is_upgrade, price, is_annual_fee_enabled, annual_fee, can_prorate
historical_invoicesobjectContaining sale_date, sale_by, price, discount, taxes, price_paid, payment_type, promotion, invoice details

usermemberships Object

UserMembershipIdguidUnique identifier of the membership
NamestringName of the guest's membership.
ServiceCreditAmountdecimalCredit amount remaining for the services.
ServiceCreditAmountUseddecimalCredit amount used up in the memberships.
ServiceCreditAmountLeftdecimalAmount left in the memberships.
ServiceCreditAmountBalancedecimalBalance left for the services.
MembershipIdguidIdentifier of the membership .
MembershipNumberstringNumber of the membership.
MembershipInvoiceNostringInvoice number raised for the purchase of the membership.
MembershipTypeintType of the membership purchased by the guest.
MembershipDurationstringDuration of the membership.
SetupFeedecimalSet up fee incurred by the guest for the membership.
RecurringFeedecimalRecurring fee for the membership.
MembershipPricedecimalPrice of the membership purchased by the guest.
ValidFromdatetimeValidity of the membership.
NoOfCollectionsintCollections for the membership.
AmountUseddecimalAmount redeemed in the membership.
FirstCollectionDatedatetimeDenotes the first collection date for the membership.
NextCollectionDatedatetimeDenotes the next collection date for the membership.
ExpiryDatedatetimeExpiry date of the membership.
MembershipSoldBystringEmployee name who sold the membership to the guest.
MembershipPaymentMethodstingPayment method used for the purchase of the membership.
MembershipLockInPeriodstingLock in period of the membership.
BenefitNamestringName of the benefits provided in the membership.
BenefitServiceBalanceintBalance of the membership service benefits.
BenefitServiceBalanceV2doubleBalance of the membership service benefits.
ExpirationDaysintExpiry limit for the membership.
QuantityintQuantity purchased by the guest.
UseddoubleBenefits used by the guest.
TransferredintBenefits transferred by the guest.
EnableServiceCreditTransferboolDenotes if the service credit transfer is enabled.
AllowDirectBookingboolDenotes if direct booking is allowed.
BenefitServiceIdguidService id of the benefit.
FrequencystringFrequence for the services in the membership.
NotesstringNotes pertaining the guest's membership.
HasEquivalentsboolDenotes if the membership as any equivalents.
AddOnCreditsintCredits for the add ons.
AddOnCreditsV2doubleCredits for the add ons
SaleCenterNamestringCenter where the membership was sold.
RestrictCrossCenterRedemptionboolDenotes if there is a restriction on the cross center redemption for membership.
CatalogDisplayNamestringGuest display name as per the catalog.
MembershipStatusstringStatus of the membership.
UserTermsandConditionsstringThe terms and conditions of the membership.
HasMembershipDigitalFormboolDenotes if the guest has filed the membership forms.
HasFilledMembershipFormsboolDenotes if the guest has filed the membership forms.
MembershipImageobjectImage of the membership.
GuestPassTypeintDenotes the type of the Guest Pass.
GuestPassBalanceintDenotes the balance in the Guest Pass
MembershipStatusEnumenumDenotes the current status of the guest's membership
RecurrenceStatusenumDenotes the current status of the guest's recurring membership.
IsFreezeFeeReasonEnabledboolDenotes if the freeze reason is enabled.
GroupUserMembershipIdguidUnique identifier of the group membership.
NextCollectionAmountobjectCollection amount of the next installement.


Json PropertyData TypeDescription
user_membership_idGuid?Unique identifier for the user membership.
group_user_membership_idGuid?Unique identifier for the group user membership.
statusMembershipStatusViewView of the membership status.
is_refundedboolIndicates whether the membership is refunded.
recurrence_statusMembershipRecurrenceStatusViewView of the recurrence status.
redeemablebool?Indicates whether the membership is redeemable.
membershipMembershipBasicWithTypeCodeAndFreezeFeeReasonBasic membership details.
invoiceGuestMembershipInvoiceDetailsDetails of the guest membership invoice.
expiry_dateDateTime?Date when the membership expires.
next_collection_dateDateTime?Date of the next collection.
next_collection_amountDecimalAmount of the next collection.
cancel_fee_next_collection_dateDateTime?Date for the next collection of cancellation fee.
membership_pricedecimal?Price of the membership.
start_dateDateTime?Start date of the membership.
first_collection_dateDateTime?Date of the first collection.
benefit_service_balanceint?Balance of benefit services.
setup_feedecimal?Setup fee for the membership.
valid_fromDateTime?Validity start date.
allow_other_centers_for_action_on_invoicesbool?Indicates whether actions on invoices are allowed for other centers.
credit_balanceGuestMembershipCreditBalanceDetailsDetails of the credit balance.
credit_amountGuestMembershipCreditAmountDetailsDetails of the credit amount.
servicesList<GuestMembershipServiceBalanceDetails>List of service balance details.
productsList<GuestMembershipProductBenefitDetails>List of product benefit details.
redemption_setting_detailsGuestMembershipSettingDetailsForRedemptionRedemption setting details.
invoice_center_idGuid?Unique identifier for the invoice center.
restrict_cross_center_redemptionbool?Indicates whether cross-center redemption is restricted.
upgrade_optionsList<MembershipUpgradeDownGradeOptionDetails>List of upgrade options.
downgrade_optionsList<MembershipUpgradeDownGradeOptionDetails>List of downgrade options.
historical_invoicesList<MembershipHistoricalInvoiceDetails>List of historical invoices.
guestpass_typestringType of the guest pass.
guestpass_totalintTotal count of guest passes.
guestpass_balanceintRemaining count of guest passes.
is_addon_memberboolIndicates whether the member is an addon member.
member_codestringCode associated with the member.
html_benefitsstringHTML representation of the benefits.
member_sinceDateTimeDate when the member joined.


Json PropertyData TypeDescription
MembershipTypestringType of the membership.
MembershipCodestringCode associated with the membership.
FreezeFeeReasonstringReason for the freeze fee.


Json PropertyData TypeDescription
InvoiceIdGuidUnique identifier for the invoice.
InvoiceDateDateTimeDate of the invoice.
TotalAmountDecimalTotal amount of the invoice.
PaidAmountDecimalAmount paid for the invoice.
DueAmountDecimalAmount due for the invoice.
InvoiceStatusstringStatus of the invoice.
BillingAddressAddressBilling address details.
PaymentDetailsPaymentInformationPayment details for the invoice.


Json PropertyData TypeDescription
RecurringStartDateDateTimeStart date of recurring payments.
RecurringEndDateDateTimeEnd date of recurring payments.
NextRecurringCollectionDateTimeNext recurring payment collection.

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