Close a membership sale invoice

This API helps you to close the invoice of a membership sale.

You must specify appropriate details for the invoice_id parameter in the API request. For more information, refer to the Request Parameters table.

Response Details

MailSentSuccessbooleanIf true, it indicates that the closure confirmation email of the membership sale invoice has been successfully sent.
ReceiptSentSuccessbooleanIf true, it indicates that the closure confirmation email of the membership sale invoice has been successfully received by the guest's email ID.
InvoicebooleanObject that contains various invoice-related elements. For more information, refer to the Invoice Object table.
PaymentOptionsobjectObject that contains various payment options-related elements. For more information, refer to the PaymentOptions Object table.
ErrorobjectObject that contains error-related details: StatusCode, Error Message, and Internal error message. For more information, refer to the Error Object table.

Invoice Object

IdguidUnique ID of the invoice.
InvoiceNumberstringNumber of the invoice.
GroupInvoiceIdguidUnique ID of the group invoice.
group_namestringName of the group booking.
ReceiptNumberstringNumber of the transaction receipt.
AppointmentGroupIdguidUnique ID of the group appointment.
ReservationIdguidUnique ID of the reservation.
IsRebookingbooleanIf true, it indicates that the appointment has been rebooked.
NotesstringComments on the appointment.
GuestIdguidUnique ID of the guest.
GuestobjectObject that contains guest-related details. For more information, refer to the Guest Object table.
PriceobjectObject that contains these price-related details: CurrencyId, Sales, Tax, Final, Final1, Discount, Tip, SSG, RoundingCorrection, DiscountedPrice, environmental_fee, environmental_fee_label, and can_be_waived.
SaleDatedatetimeDate of sale of the appointment.
FutureRecurringBillDatedatetimeCheckin date and time of the guest.
guest_checkin_timedatetimeDate of bill for a recurring appointment.
LinkedInvoiceIdguidUnqiue ID of the linked invoice.
StatusenumIndicates the invoice's status-related details: Open - 0, Processed - 1, CampaignApplied - 2, CouponApplied - 3, Closed - 4, NotSpecified - 11, Voided - 99, NoShow - -1, Cancelled - -2, CheckedIn - 5, Confirmed - 6.
InvoiceServicesobjectObject that contains these invoice services-related details: AppointmentService, AppliedMembership, AppliedPackage, and AppliedDiscount.
InvoiceProductsobjectObject that contains these invoice products-related details: AppointmentProduct, AppliedMembership, AppliedPackage, and AppliedDiscount.
InvoiceMembershipsobjectObject that contains invoice memberships-related details. For more information, refer to the InvoiceMemberships Object table.
InvoiceDayPackagesobjectObject that contains these invoice day packages-related details: AppointmentDayPackage and AppliedDiscount.
InvoiceSeriesPackagesobjectObject that contains invoice series packages-related details. For more information, refer to the InvoiceSeriesPackages Object table.
InvoiceGiftCardsobjectObject that contains these invoice gift cards-related details: AppointmentGiftCard, AppliedMembership, AppliedPackage, and AppliedDiscount.
InvoicePrepaidCardsobjectObject that contains these invoice prepaid cards-related details: AppointmentPrepaidCard, AppliedMembership, AppliedPackage, and AppliedDiscount.
PaymentsobjectObject that contains invoice payments-related details. For more information, refer to the Payments Object table.
RedemptionsobjectObject that contains invoice redemptions-related details. For more information, refer to the Redemptions Object table.
RefundItemsobjectObject that contains refunded items-related details. For more information, refer to the RefundItems Object table.
LockbooleanIf true, it indicates that the invoice has been locked.
CanChangeGuestbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest can be changed.
CenterIdguidUnique 32-character identifier of the center.
CenterobjectObject that contains center-related details. For more information, refer to the Center Object table.
CollectFeedbackbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest's feedback can be collected.
IsFeedbackExpiredbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest's feedback has expired.
BookingWizardAdvancedModebooleanIf true, it indicates that the Advanced mode of the booking wizard has been enabled.
BookingWizardBottomPanelModebooleanIf true, it indicates that the Bottom Panel mode of the booking wizard has been enabled.
RefundedbooleanIf true, it indicates that the invoice has been refunded.
InvoiceAuthStatusintStatus of the invoice authorization.
InvoiceAuthorizationStatusintStatus of the invoice authorization.
InvTransactionStatusForAutoPayenumInvoice transaction status for AutoPay: NA - 0, AuthSuccess - 1, CaptureSuccess - 2, CaptureFailed - 4, Released - 8, Voided - 16, AuthFailed - 64.
InvoiceSourceintSource of the invoice.
is_created_from_booking_wizardbooleanIf true, it indicates that the appointment has been created from the Booking wizard.
RemoveBuddyServiceFinishSegmentbooleanIf true, it indicates that the service buddy has been removed after finishing a segment of the service.
host_idguidUnique ID of the payment gateway host.
payment_made_byguidUnique ID of the payment transaction initiator.
entity_namestringName of the entity.
email_linkstringLink of the invoice payment confirmation email.
sms_linkstringLink of the invoice payment confirmation text message.
appointment_category_idstringID of the appointment category.

Guest Object

IdguidUnique ID of the guest.
CodestringCode assigned to the guest.
FirstNamestringFirst name of the guest.
MiddleNamestringMiddle name of the guest.
LastNamestringLast name of the guest.
EmailstringEmail ID of the guest.
MobileNumberstringMobile number of the guest.
MobilePhoneModelobjectObject that contains these details about the guest's mobile phone model: CountryId, Number, and DisplayNumber.
HomePhoneModelobjectObject that contains these details about the guest's home phone model: CountryId, Number, and DisplayNumber.
WorkPhonestringWork phone number of the guest.
WorkPhoneModelobjectObject that contains these details about the guest's work phone model: CountryId, Number, and DisplayNumber.
GenderenumGender of the guest: NotSpecified - -1, Male - 1, Female - 2, Any - 0, ThirdGender - 3, Multiple - 4.
DateOfBirthdatetimeDate of birth of the guest.
AnniversaryDatedatetimeDate of anniversary of the guest.
Address1stringPrimary address of the guest.
Address2stringSecondary address of the guest.
CitystringCity in which the guest resides.
PostalCodestringPostal code of the locality in which the guest resides.
StateobjectObject that contains these details about the guest's state: Id, Code, Name, and ShortName.
CountryobjectObject that contains these details about the guest's country: Id, Code, Name, PhoneCode, and Nationality.
NationalityobjectObject that contains these details about the guest's nationality: Id, Code, Name, PhoneCode, and Nationality.
ReferralSourceobjectObject that contains these details about the source of referral for the booking: Id, OrgReferralId, and Name.
ReferredGuestIdguidUnique ID of the referred guest.
ReceiveTransactionalSmsbooleanIf true, the guest will receive a text message confirmation after the transaction has been completed.
ReceiveMarketingEmailbooleanIf true, the guest will receive marketing emails.
ReceiveTransactionalEmailbooleanIf true, the guest will receive a text message confirmation after the transaction has been completed.
ReceiveMarketingSmsbooleanIf true, the guest will receive marketing SMSs.
CreationDatedatetimeDate on which the guest profile had been created.
LastUpdateddatetimeDate on which the guest profile had been last updated.
MergeIntoCodebooleanIf true, the booking will be merged into the applicattion code.
MergeIntoGuestIdbooleanIf true, the booking will be merged into the guest ID.
CenterIdguidUnique ID of the center.
CenterCodestringCode of the center.
CenterNamestringName of the center.
GuestIndicatorstringDisplay indicator of the guest.
IsMemberbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest is a member at the center.
DOB_IncompleteYearbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest's date of birth is not complete.
PasswordstringPassword of the guest.
UserNamestringUsername of the guest.
FacebookUserIdstringFacebook user ID of the guest.
SocialFaceBookUserIdstringSocial Facebook user ID of the guest.
SocialGoogleUserIdstringSocial Google user ID of the guest.
hasZenotiCredsbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest possesses Zenoti credentials.
OldPasswordstringOld password of the guest.
OptInForLoyaltyProgrambooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has opted for a loyalty program.
FormDetailsobjectObject that contains appointment form data-related details. For more information, refer to the FormDetails Object table.
IsMinorsbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest is below 18 years of age.
LpTierInfostringDetails on the guest's loyalty program tier.
GuestIndicatorValueobjectObject that contains internal guest-related details. For more information, refer to the GuestIndicatorValue Object table.
IsMemberbershipAddOnUserbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest is a membership add-on user.
HasActiveMemsbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest possesses an active membership.
ReceiveLpStmtbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest will receive the statement on loyalty points.
GenderEnumTypeenumIndicates the gender of the guest: NotSpecified - -1, Male - 1, Female - 2, Any - 0, ThirdGender - 3, Multiple - 4.
ReferralCodestringReferral code of the user.
EnableAutoPaybooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has enabled the AutoPay option.
GuestCustomDataFilledbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest's custom data has been filled.

FormDetails Object

AppointmentIdguidUnique ID of the appointment.
FormIdguidUnique ID of the appointment form.
ServiceNamestringName of the service.
ServiceDisplayNamestringName of the service that is displayed.
ServiceIdstringID of the service.
NamestringName of the guest.
FilledbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has filled the details in the appointment form.
SubmittedbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has submitted the appointment form.
LastFilledDatedatetimeDate on which the appointment form was last filled.
FormTypeenumIndicates the type of the appointment form: NoForm - 0, ServiceKeyValuePair - 1, ServiceHtmlForm - 2, GuestHtmlForm - 3,GuestKeyValuePair - 4, TagForm - 5.
LastFilledBystringPerson who last filled the appointment form.
LatestVersionstringLatest version of the appointment form.
FormHistoryobjectObject that contains form history-related details: VersionDate, VersionDateString, VersionId, CreatedBy, FormName, and FormId.
ViewonlybooleanIf true, it indicates that the appointment form cannot be edited.
IsFormLockedbooleanIf true, it indicates that the appointment form has been locked.
ExpiryDatedatetimeDate of expiry of the appointment form.
IsEditablebooleanIf true, it indicates that the appointment form can be edited.
IsExpiredbooleanIf true, it indicates that the appointment form has expired.
OwnerIdguidUnique ID of the center owner.
DisplayOrderintOrder of display in the appointment form.
IsServiceFormbooleanIf true, it indicates that the appointment form is a service form.
SourceAppointmentDatedatetimeDate on which the appointment was created.
PermissionsobjectObject that contains appointment form permissions-related details: CanView and CanEdit.
FormFilledStatusenumIndicates the appointment form filled status: NotFilled - 0, Saved - 1, Submitted - 2.
IsActivebooleanIf true, it indicates that the appointment form is active.
SendLinkInNotificationsbooleanIf true, it indicates that the appointment confirmation link will be sent to the guest as a notification.

GuestIndicatorValue Object

HighSpenderbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest is a high spending customer.
MemberintIndicates whether the guest is a member at the center.
LowFeedbackbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has provided low feedback on the appointment.
RegularGuestbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest is a regular customer at the center.
FirstTimerbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest is a first time customer at the center.
ReturningCustomerbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest is a repeat customer at the center.
NoShowbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest did not arrive at the center for the scheduled appointment.
HasActivePackagesbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has active packages.
HasProfileAlertsbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has enabled profile alerts.
OtherCenterGuestbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest is a customer of another center.
HasCTAbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has enabled the Call to Action feature to receive promotional content.
DuesbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has a pending due amount.
CardOnFilebooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has saved credit/debit cards.
AutoPayEnabledbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has enabled the AutoPay option.

InvoiceMemberships Object

AppointmentMembershipobjectObject that contains the guest's membership-related elements for the appointment. For more information, refer to the AppointmentMembership Object table.
AppliedMembershipobjectObject that contains the guest's applied membership-related elements for the appointment: MembershipId, DiscountAmount, Action, InvoiceItemId, ShowChangeMembership, and EquivalenceOptions.
AppliedPackageobjectObject that contains the guest's applied package-related elements for the appointment: PackageId, DiscountAmount, Action, and InvoiceItemId.
AppliedDiscountobjectObject that contains the guest's applied discount-related elements for the appointment: DiscountId, CampaignId, CouponId, Action, Type, DiscountAmount, and InvoiceItemId.

AppointmentMembership Object

MembershipobjectObject that contains the guest's membership-related elements. For more information, refer to the Membership Object table.
InvoiceItemIdguidUnique ID of the item in the invoice.
InvoiceItemAddedTimedatetimeDate on which the invoice item had been added.
EmployeeobjectObject that contains these employee-related elements: Id, ShortName, NickName, FullName, Email, PhoneNumber, MobilePhoneModel, Gender, FirstName, LastName, IsAvailable, WaiveBiometricFlag, VanityImageUrl, ScalingFactor, ScaledPrice, ServiceTime, DisplayName, IdleTime, OriginalPrice, OriginalTax, Job, BookingInterval, schedule, unavailable_times, and LastDate.
QuantityintQuantity of items included in the invoice.
PriceobjectObject that contains these price-related elements: CurrencyId, Sales, Tax, Final, Final1, Discount, Tip, SSG, RoundingCorrection, DiscountedPrice, environmental_fee, environmental_fee_label, and can_be_waived.
IsMembershipAppliedbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest's membership has been applied on the invoice.
IsPackageAppliedbooleanIf true, it indicates that a package has been applied on the invoice.
IsDiscountAppliedbooleanIf true, it indicates that a discount has been applied on the invoice.
MembershipBillDatedatetimeBilling date of the membership.
RecurringMembershipobjectObject that contains recurring membership-related elements: Days, SaleStartDate, SaleEndDate, CreditAmount, CreditAmountExpiration, NumGuests, Code, BusinessUnitId, Months, TermsandConditions, Type, CategoryId, Description, HTMLDescription, TermsandConditionsAcceptance, Id, VersionId, SetupMembershipId, Name, Price, SetupPrice, CanBook, ShowPrice, DisplayName, DisplayPrice, ImagePaths, IsRecurrringMembership, MembershipType, FirstCollectionAfter, enforce_mandatory_fields, and FrequencyText.
SignaturestringDigital signature of the guest.
UserMembershipIdguidUnique ID of the membership.
AcceptedOndatetimeDate on which the membership had been accepted.
IsTandCAcceptedbooleanIf true, it indicates that the terms and conditions have been accepted.
PaymentAccountIdstringID of the guest's payment account.
HasMembershipDigitalFormbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has a digital membership form.
HasFilledMembershipFormsbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest has filled membership forms.
RecurringPaymentTypeenumIndicates the type of recurring membership payment option used by the guest: Cash, OfflineCreditCard, OfflineCheck, OnlineCreditCard, OnlineCheck, TestSuccess, TestFailure, Custom, CustomCC, and CustomDD.

InvoiceSeriesPackages Object

AppointmentSeriesPackageobjectObject that contains the guest's applied series package-related elements for the appointment. For more information, refer to the AppointmentSeriesPackage Object table.
AppliedMembershipobjectObject that contains the guest's applied membership-related elements for the appointment: MembershipId, DiscountAmount, Action, InvoiceItemId, ShowChangeMembership, and EquivalenceOptions.
AppliedPackageobjectObject that contains the guest's applied package-related elements for the appointment: PackageId, DiscountAmount, Action, and InvoiceItemId.
AppliedDiscountobjectObject that contains the guest's applied discount-related elements for the appointment: DiscountId, CampaignId, CouponId, Action, Type, DiscountAmount, and InvoiceItemId.

AppointmentSeriesPackage Object

PackageobjectObject that contains the guest's package-related elements. For more information, refer to the Package Object table.
InvoiceItemIdguidUnique ID of the item in the invoice.
InvoiceItemAddedTimedatetimeDate on which the invoice item had been added.
PackageUserIdguidUnique ID of the package applied for the user.
EmployeeobjectObject that contains these employee-related elements: Id, ShortName, NickName, FullName, Email, PhoneNumber, MobilePhoneModel, Gender, FirstName, LastName, IsAvailable, WaiveBiometricFlag, VanityImageUrl, ScalingFactor, ScaledPrice, ServiceTime, DisplayName, IdleTime, OriginalPrice, OriginalTax, Job, BookingInterval, schedule, unavailable_times, and LastDate.
QuantityintQuantity of items included in the invoice.
PriceobjectObject that contains these price-related elements: CurrencyId, Sales, Tax, Final, Final1, Discount, Tip, SSG, RoundingCorrection, DiscountedPrice, environmental_fee, environmental_fee_label, and can_be_waived.
IsMembershipAppliedbooleanIf true, it indicates that the guest's membership has been applied on the invoice.
IsPackageAppliedbooleanIf true, it indicates that a package has been applied on the invoice.
IsDiscountAppliedbooleanIf true, it indicates that a discount has been applied on the invoice.
packages_product_type_itemobjectObject that contains the type of product items-related elements included in the package: packages_product, quantity, invoice_item_id, employee_id, price, and discount.

Package Object

IdguidUnique identifier of the package version.
NamestringName of the package.
DescriptionstringDescription of the package.
CodestringCode of the package
HasBundledProductsbooleanIf true, it indicates that this version of the package contains bundled products.
DurationintDuration of the package that was set at the time of package creation.
BundledProductPriceCheckenumIndicates that the package price is inclusive of bundle products: ShouldBeLessThanPackagePrice - 0 and 1 - CanBeMoreThanPackagePrice.
BundledProductPricePercentagedecimalWhen BundledProductPriceCheck is less than package price, then percentage of price allocated to bundle products is given by this element.
PackagePriceWithOutTaxdecimalPrice of the package without tax.
TypeenumType of the package: DayPackage - 1, SeriesPackage - 2, PromoPackage = 3.
PriceobjectObject that contains price-related elements of the package: CurrencyId, Sales, Tax, Final, Final1, Discount, Tip, SSG, RoundingCorrection, DiscountedPrice, environmental_fee, environmental_fee_label, and can_be_waived.
PackageCostIncBundledProductsbooleanIf true, it indicates that the package price is inclusive of bundled products.
ServicesobjectObject that contains service-related elements of the package: Id, Name, DisplayName, Price, Duration, CategoryId, IsAddOn, HasAddOns, AddOnToServiceId, Description, HTMLDescription, CategoryName, AddOns, IsVariant, HasVariant, HasSegments, ParentServiceId, CartItemId, SaleAllowedAsPartOfPackageOrMembershipOnly, BookingWithPartialBalance, ShowInCatalog, IncludesTax, IsServicePriceScaledForAnyTherapist, canPerformService, Membership, PseudoAppliedMembership, ScaledDuration, AppointmentId, override_product_consumption, override_default_product_consumption, ServiceFinalPrice, Void, RecoveryTime, Code, CampaignInfo, PreRequisites, EnforcePreRequisites, ClubPreRequisites, ValidityDays, BookingOrder, ValidityDaysAsPreRequisite, tips_enabled, EnableCatalogServiceFrequency, CatalogServiceFrequency.
ItemsobjectObject that contains the items in the package: Id, Name, Quantity, Order, Service, and PackageServicePK.
CanBookbooleanIf true, it indicates that the package can be booked.
PackageDisplayNamestringDisplay name that was set up in catalog during the set up of the package.
PackageDisplayPricestringCatalog price of the package.
HTMLDescriptionstringHTML description of the package.
CalculateServiceLevelTaxbooleanIf true, it indicates that the service-level tax will be calculated.
TermsandConditionsstringTerms and conditions that have been specified during the package set up.
ExpirationDatedatetimeDate on which the package expires.
ExpirationDaysintNumber of days that the package expires after the package has been sold.
ScheduledPaymentFrequencyintIf the package can be paid by using scheduled payments, this element specifies the frequency with which it has to be paid.
ScheduledPaymentFrequencyTypeintType of scheduled payment frequency: days, weeks, or months.
RestrictRedemptionToThisCenterintIndicates whether the sale of the package has been restricted to the current center.
CenterNamestringName of the center from which you are retrieving the package details.
PackageCategoryNamestringName of the category to which the package belongs.
start_validity_at_first_redemptionbooleanIndicates that the validity of the package starts at sale date or at first redemption.

Payments Object

PaymentOptionobjectObject that contains payment option-related elements: PaymentOption, TotalAmountPaid, AmountPaid, TipAmount, SSGAmount, FeeAmount, CashBackAmount, TransactionId, PaymentDate, and CashRegisterId.
TotalAmountPaiddecimalTotal amount including taxes paid by the guest.
AmountPaiddecimalTotal amount paid by the guest for the appointment.
TipAmountdecimalTip amount paid by the guest for the appointment.
SSGAmountdecimalSSG amount paid by the guest for the appointment.
FeeAmountdecimalFee amount paid by the guest for the appointment.
CashBackAmountdecimalCashback amount received by the guest for the appointment appointment.
TransactionIdguidUnique ID of the payment transaction.
PaymentDatedatetimeDate on which the guest made the payment.
CashRegisterIdguidUnique ID of the cash register in which the payment was collected.

Redemptions Object

OptionobjectObject that contains these redemption options-related elements: Id, Mode, and Name.
AmountdecimalRedemption amount received by the guest for the appointment payment.
TransactionIdguidUnique ID of the payment transaction.
PaymentDatedatetimeDate on which the guest made the payment.
PointsdecimalLoyalty points received by the guest.

RefundItems Object

InvoiceItemIdguidUnique ID of the item in the invoice that was refunded.
QuantityintNumber of the items that were refunded.
RefundAmountdecimalRefund amount received by the guest.
RefundDatedatetimeDate on which the guest received the refund amount.

Center Object

IdguidUnique ID of the center.
CountryobjectObject that contains the center's various country-related elements: Id, Code, Name, PhoneCode, and Nationality.
StateobjectObject that contains the center's various country-related elements: Id, Code, Name, and ShortName.
NamestringName of the center.
GeoLatitudedecimalGeographical latitude details of the center.
GeoLongitudedecimalGeographical longitude details of the center.
Address1stringFirst line of the address details of the center.
Address2stringSecond line of the address details of the center.
CitystringCity in which the center is present.
ZipCodestringZip code of the area in which the center is present.
Phone1stringPrimary phone number of the center.
Phone2stringSecondary phone number of the center.
EmailstringEmail ID of the center.
CenterInfostringAdditional information about the center.
ServiceTaxNostringService tax number of the center.
TINstringTax Information Network details of the center.
VATstringValue Added Tax details of the center.
CSTstringCentral Sales Tax details of the center.
CanBookbooleanIf true, it indicates that guests can book appointments at the center.
CenterCodestringCode of the center.
TimeZoneobjectCode of the center.
CollectFeedbackbooleanIf true, it indicates that guests can provide feedback at the center.
working_hoursobjectObject that contains the center's working hours-related elements: day_of_week, start_time, and end_time.
AreServicesAvailableInCenterbooleanIf true, it indicates that services are available at the center.
FeedBackLinkstringURL by using which the guest can provide feedback.
FeedBackLabelTextstringText of the feedback label.
isPaymentEnabledbooleanIf true, it indicates that the setting to allow guests to make payments has been enabled for the center.
isCenterVoidedbooleanIf true, it indicates that the center has been voided.
isServiceSaleEnabledbooleanIf true, it indicates that the sale of services has been enabled at the center.
isMembershipSaleEnabledbooleanIf true, it indicates that the sale of memberships has been enabled at the center.
isGiftCardSaleEnabledbooleanIf true, it indicates that the sale of gift cards has been enabled at the center.
isSeriesPackageSaleEnabledbooleanIf true, it indicates that the sale of packages has been enabled at the center.
isDealsEnabledbooleanIf true, it indicates that the usage of deals has been enabled at the center.
EnableSelfPaybooleanIf true, it enables the Self Pay payment option at the center.
EnableSelfCheckInbooleanIf true, it enables the Self Checkin option at the center.
EnableAutoPaybooleanIf true, it enables the Self Pay payment option at the center.
AllowSelfCheckinBeforebooleanIf true, it allows the guest to self checkin before arriving at the center.
AllowCheckWithinRadiusbooleanIf true, it allows the guest to checkin within a specified geographical radius around center.
ZoneobjectObject that contains the center's zone-related elements: id and name.

PaymentOptions Object

IdguidUnique ID of the payment option.
PaymentModeenumIndicates the mode of payment: NotSpecified - -1, Cash - 0, GiftCard - 1, Membership - 2, Package - 3, Custom - 4, CreditCard - 5, Cheque - 6, LoyaltyPoints - 7, Cashback - 8, PrepaidCard - 9.
PaymentNamestringName of the type of payment.
CardNumberstringCredit/debit card number of the guest.

Error Object

428Invalid Invoice.
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