This API helps you to close the invoice of a membership sale.
You must specify appropriate details for the invoice_id
parameter in the API request. For more information, refer to the Request Parameters table.
Response Details
Name | Type | Description |
MailSentSuccess | boolean | If true, it indicates that the closure confirmation email of the membership sale invoice has been successfully sent. |
ReceiptSentSuccess | boolean | If true, it indicates that the closure confirmation email of the membership sale invoice has been successfully received by the guest's email ID. |
Invoice | boolean | Object that contains various invoice-related elements. For more information, refer to the Invoice Object table. |
PaymentOptions | object | Object that contains various payment options-related elements. For more information, refer to the PaymentOptions Object table. |
Error | object | Object that contains error-related details: StatusCode, Error Message, and Internal error message. For more information, refer to the Error Object table. |
Invoice Object
Name | Type | Description |
Id | guid | Unique ID of the invoice. |
InvoiceNumber | string | Number of the invoice. |
GroupInvoiceId | guid | Unique ID of the group invoice. |
group_name | string | Name of the group booking. |
ReceiptNumber | string | Number of the transaction receipt. |
AppointmentGroupId | guid | Unique ID of the group appointment. |
ReservationId | guid | Unique ID of the reservation. |
IsRebooking | boolean | If true, it indicates that the appointment has been rebooked. |
Notes | string | Comments on the appointment. |
GuestId | guid | Unique ID of the guest. |
Guest | object | Object that contains guest-related details. For more information, refer to the Guest Object table. |
Price | object | Object that contains these price-related details: CurrencyId, Sales, Tax, Final, Final1, Discount, Tip, SSG, RoundingCorrection, DiscountedPrice, environmental_fee, environmental_fee_label, and can_be_waived. |
SaleDate | datetime | Date of sale of the appointment. |
FutureRecurringBillDate | datetime | Checkin date and time of the guest. |
guest_checkin_time | datetime | Date of bill for a recurring appointment. |
LinkedInvoiceId | guid | Unqiue ID of the linked invoice. |
Status | enum | Indicates the invoice's status-related details: Open - 0, Processed - 1, CampaignApplied - 2, CouponApplied - 3, Closed - 4, NotSpecified - 11, Voided - 99, NoShow - -1, Cancelled - -2, CheckedIn - 5, Confirmed - 6. |
InvoiceServices | object | Object that contains these invoice services-related details: AppointmentService, AppliedMembership, AppliedPackage, and AppliedDiscount. |
InvoiceProducts | object | Object that contains these invoice products-related details: AppointmentProduct, AppliedMembership, AppliedPackage, and AppliedDiscount. |
InvoiceMemberships | object | Object that contains invoice memberships-related details. For more information, refer to the InvoiceMemberships Object table. |
InvoiceDayPackages | object | Object that contains these invoice day packages-related details: AppointmentDayPackage and AppliedDiscount. |
InvoiceSeriesPackages | object | Object that contains invoice series packages-related details. For more information, refer to the InvoiceSeriesPackages Object table. |
InvoiceGiftCards | object | Object that contains these invoice gift cards-related details: AppointmentGiftCard, AppliedMembership, AppliedPackage, and AppliedDiscount. |
InvoicePrepaidCards | object | Object that contains these invoice prepaid cards-related details: AppointmentPrepaidCard, AppliedMembership, AppliedPackage, and AppliedDiscount. |
Payments | object | Object that contains invoice payments-related details. For more information, refer to the Payments Object table. |
Redemptions | object | Object that contains invoice redemptions-related details. For more information, refer to the Redemptions Object table. |
RefundItems | object | Object that contains refunded items-related details. For more information, refer to the RefundItems Object table. |
Lock | boolean | If true, it indicates that the invoice has been locked. |
CanChangeGuest | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest can be changed. |
CenterId | guid | Unique 32-character identifier of the center. |
Center | object | Object that contains center-related details. For more information, refer to the Center Object table. |
CollectFeedback | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest's feedback can be collected. |
IsFeedbackExpired | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest's feedback has expired. |
BookingWizardAdvancedMode | boolean | If true, it indicates that the Advanced mode of the booking wizard has been enabled. |
BookingWizardBottomPanelMode | boolean | If true, it indicates that the Bottom Panel mode of the booking wizard has been enabled. |
Refunded | boolean | If true, it indicates that the invoice has been refunded. |
InvoiceAuthStatus | int | Status of the invoice authorization. |
InvoiceAuthorizationStatus | int | Status of the invoice authorization. |
InvTransactionStatusForAutoPay | enum | Invoice transaction status for AutoPay: NA - 0, AuthSuccess - 1, CaptureSuccess - 2, CaptureFailed - 4, Released - 8, Voided - 16, AuthFailed - 64. |
InvoiceSource | int | Source of the invoice. |
is_created_from_booking_wizard | boolean | If true, it indicates that the appointment has been created from the Booking wizard. |
RemoveBuddyServiceFinishSegment | boolean | If true, it indicates that the service buddy has been removed after finishing a segment of the service. |
host_id | guid | Unique ID of the payment gateway host. |
payment_made_by | guid | Unique ID of the payment transaction initiator. |
entity_name | string | Name of the entity. |
email_link | string | Link of the invoice payment confirmation email. |
sms_link | string | Link of the invoice payment confirmation text message. |
appointment_category_id | string | ID of the appointment category. |
Guest Object
Name | Type | Description |
Id | guid | Unique ID of the guest. |
Code | string | Code assigned to the guest. |
FirstName | string | First name of the guest. |
MiddleName | string | Middle name of the guest. |
LastName | string | Last name of the guest. |
string | Email ID of the guest. | |
MobileNumber | string | Mobile number of the guest. |
MobilePhoneModel | object | Object that contains these details about the guest's mobile phone model: CountryId, Number, and DisplayNumber. |
HomePhone | string | |
HomePhoneModel | object | Object that contains these details about the guest's home phone model: CountryId, Number, and DisplayNumber. |
WorkPhone | string | Work phone number of the guest. |
WorkPhoneModel | object | Object that contains these details about the guest's work phone model: CountryId, Number, and DisplayNumber. |
Gender | enum | Gender of the guest: NotSpecified - -1, Male - 1, Female - 2, Any - 0, ThirdGender - 3, Multiple - 4. |
DateOfBirth | datetime | Date of birth of the guest. |
AnniversaryDate | datetime | Date of anniversary of the guest. |
Address1 | string | Primary address of the guest. |
Address2 | string | Secondary address of the guest. |
City | string | City in which the guest resides. |
PostalCode | string | Postal code of the locality in which the guest resides. |
State | object | Object that contains these details about the guest's state: Id, Code, Name, and ShortName. |
Country | object | Object that contains these details about the guest's country: Id, Code, Name, PhoneCode, and Nationality. |
Nationality | object | Object that contains these details about the guest's nationality: Id, Code, Name, PhoneCode, and Nationality. |
ReferralSource | object | Object that contains these details about the source of referral for the booking: Id, OrgReferralId, and Name. |
ReferredGuestId | guid | Unique ID of the referred guest. |
ReceiveTransactionalSms | boolean | If true, the guest will receive a text message confirmation after the transaction has been completed. |
ReceiveMarketingEmail | boolean | If true, the guest will receive marketing emails. |
ReceiveTransactionalEmail | boolean | If true, the guest will receive a text message confirmation after the transaction has been completed. |
ReceiveMarketingSms | boolean | If true, the guest will receive marketing SMSs. |
CreationDate | datetime | Date on which the guest profile had been created. |
LastUpdated | datetime | Date on which the guest profile had been last updated. |
MergeIntoCode | boolean | If true, the booking will be merged into the applicattion code. |
MergeIntoGuestId | boolean | If true, the booking will be merged into the guest ID. |
CenterId | guid | Unique ID of the center. |
CenterCode | string | Code of the center. |
CenterName | string | Name of the center. |
GuestIndicator | string | Display indicator of the guest. |
IsMember | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest is a member at the center. |
DOB_IncompleteYear | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest's date of birth is not complete. |
Password | string | Password of the guest. |
UserName | string | Username of the guest. |
FacebookUserId | string | Facebook user ID of the guest. |
SocialFaceBookUserId | string | Social Facebook user ID of the guest. |
SocialGoogleUserId | string | Social Google user ID of the guest. |
hasZenotiCreds | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest possesses Zenoti credentials. |
OldPassword | string | Old password of the guest. |
OptInForLoyaltyProgram | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has opted for a loyalty program. |
FormDetails | object | Object that contains appointment form data-related details. For more information, refer to the FormDetails Object table. |
IsMinors | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest is below 18 years of age. |
LpTierInfo | string | Details on the guest's loyalty program tier. |
GuestIndicatorValue | object | Object that contains internal guest-related details. For more information, refer to the GuestIndicatorValue Object table. |
IsMemberbershipAddOnUser | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest is a membership add-on user. |
HasActiveMems | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest possesses an active membership. |
ReceiveLpStmt | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest will receive the statement on loyalty points. |
GenderEnumType | enum | Indicates the gender of the guest: NotSpecified - -1, Male - 1, Female - 2, Any - 0, ThirdGender - 3, Multiple - 4. |
ReferralCode | string | Referral code of the user. |
EnableAutoPay | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has enabled the AutoPay option. |
GuestCustomDataFilled | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest's custom data has been filled. |
FormDetails Object
Name | Type | Description |
AppointmentId | guid | Unique ID of the appointment. |
FormId | guid | Unique ID of the appointment form. |
ServiceName | string | Name of the service. |
ServiceDisplayName | string | Name of the service that is displayed. |
ServiceId | string | ID of the service. |
Name | string | Name of the guest. |
Filled | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has filled the details in the appointment form. |
Submitted | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has submitted the appointment form. |
LastFilledDate | datetime | Date on which the appointment form was last filled. |
FormType | enum | Indicates the type of the appointment form: NoForm - 0, ServiceKeyValuePair - 1, ServiceHtmlForm - 2, GuestHtmlForm - 3,GuestKeyValuePair - 4, TagForm - 5. |
LastFilledBy | string | Person who last filled the appointment form. |
LatestVersion | string | Latest version of the appointment form. |
FormHistory | object | Object that contains form history-related details: VersionDate, VersionDateString, VersionId, CreatedBy, FormName, and FormId. |
Viewonly | boolean | If true, it indicates that the appointment form cannot be edited. |
IsFormLocked | boolean | If true, it indicates that the appointment form has been locked. |
ExpiryDate | datetime | Date of expiry of the appointment form. |
IsEditable | boolean | If true, it indicates that the appointment form can be edited. |
IsExpired | boolean | If true, it indicates that the appointment form has expired. |
OwnerId | guid | Unique ID of the center owner. |
DisplayOrder | int | Order of display in the appointment form. |
IsServiceForm | boolean | If true, it indicates that the appointment form is a service form. |
SourceAppointmentDate | datetime | Date on which the appointment was created. |
Permissions | object | Object that contains appointment form permissions-related details: CanView and CanEdit. |
FormFilledStatus | enum | Indicates the appointment form filled status: NotFilled - 0, Saved - 1, Submitted - 2. |
IsActive | boolean | If true, it indicates that the appointment form is active. |
SendLinkInNotifications | boolean | If true, it indicates that the appointment confirmation link will be sent to the guest as a notification. |
GuestIndicatorValue Object
Name | Type | Description |
HighSpender | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest is a high spending customer. |
Member | int | Indicates whether the guest is a member at the center. |
LowFeedback | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has provided low feedback on the appointment. |
RegularGuest | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest is a regular customer at the center. |
FirstTimer | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest is a first time customer at the center. |
ReturningCustomer | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest is a repeat customer at the center. |
NoShow | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest did not arrive at the center for the scheduled appointment. |
HasActivePackages | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has active packages. |
HasProfileAlerts | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has enabled profile alerts. |
OtherCenterGuest | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest is a customer of another center. |
HasCTA | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has enabled the Call to Action feature to receive promotional content. |
Dues | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has a pending due amount. |
CardOnFile | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has saved credit/debit cards. |
AutoPayEnabled | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has enabled the AutoPay option. |
InvoiceMemberships Object
Name | Type | Description |
AppointmentMembership | object | Object that contains the guest's membership-related elements for the appointment. For more information, refer to the AppointmentMembership Object table. |
AppliedMembership | object | Object that contains the guest's applied membership-related elements for the appointment: MembershipId, DiscountAmount, Action, InvoiceItemId, ShowChangeMembership, and EquivalenceOptions. |
AppliedPackage | object | Object that contains the guest's applied package-related elements for the appointment: PackageId, DiscountAmount, Action, and InvoiceItemId. |
AppliedDiscount | object | Object that contains the guest's applied discount-related elements for the appointment: DiscountId, CampaignId, CouponId, Action, Type, DiscountAmount, and InvoiceItemId. |
AppointmentMembership Object
Name | Type | Description |
Membership | object | Object that contains the guest's membership-related elements. For more information, refer to the Membership Object table. |
InvoiceItemId | guid | Unique ID of the item in the invoice. |
InvoiceItemAddedTime | datetime | Date on which the invoice item had been added. |
Employee | object | Object that contains these employee-related elements: Id, ShortName, NickName, FullName, Email, PhoneNumber, MobilePhoneModel, Gender, FirstName, LastName, IsAvailable, WaiveBiometricFlag, VanityImageUrl, ScalingFactor, ScaledPrice, ServiceTime, DisplayName, IdleTime, OriginalPrice, OriginalTax, Job, BookingInterval, schedule, unavailable_times, and LastDate. |
Quantity | int | Quantity of items included in the invoice. |
Price | object | Object that contains these price-related elements: CurrencyId, Sales, Tax, Final, Final1, Discount, Tip, SSG, RoundingCorrection, DiscountedPrice, environmental_fee, environmental_fee_label, and can_be_waived. |
IsMembershipApplied | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest's membership has been applied on the invoice. |
IsPackageApplied | boolean | If true, it indicates that a package has been applied on the invoice. |
IsDiscountApplied | boolean | If true, it indicates that a discount has been applied on the invoice. |
MembershipBillDate | datetime | Billing date of the membership. |
RecurringMembership | object | Object that contains recurring membership-related elements: Days, SaleStartDate, SaleEndDate, CreditAmount, CreditAmountExpiration, NumGuests, Code, BusinessUnitId, Months, TermsandConditions, Type, CategoryId, Description, HTMLDescription, TermsandConditionsAcceptance, Id, VersionId, SetupMembershipId, Name, Price, SetupPrice, CanBook, ShowPrice, DisplayName, DisplayPrice, ImagePaths, IsRecurrringMembership, MembershipType, FirstCollectionAfter, enforce_mandatory_fields, and FrequencyText. |
Signature | string | Digital signature of the guest. |
UserMembershipId | guid | Unique ID of the membership. |
AcceptedOn | datetime | Date on which the membership had been accepted. |
IsTandCAccepted | boolean | If true, it indicates that the terms and conditions have been accepted. |
PaymentAccountId | string | ID of the guest's payment account. |
HasMembershipDigitalForm | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has a digital membership form. |
HasFilledMembershipForms | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest has filled membership forms. |
RecurringPaymentType | enum | Indicates the type of recurring membership payment option used by the guest: Cash, OfflineCreditCard, OfflineCheck, OnlineCreditCard, OnlineCheck, TestSuccess, TestFailure, Custom, CustomCC, and CustomDD. |
InvoiceSeriesPackages Object
Name | Type | Description |
AppointmentSeriesPackage | object | Object that contains the guest's applied series package-related elements for the appointment. For more information, refer to the AppointmentSeriesPackage Object table. |
AppliedMembership | object | Object that contains the guest's applied membership-related elements for the appointment: MembershipId, DiscountAmount, Action, InvoiceItemId, ShowChangeMembership, and EquivalenceOptions. |
AppliedPackage | object | Object that contains the guest's applied package-related elements for the appointment: PackageId, DiscountAmount, Action, and InvoiceItemId. |
AppliedDiscount | object | Object that contains the guest's applied discount-related elements for the appointment: DiscountId, CampaignId, CouponId, Action, Type, DiscountAmount, and InvoiceItemId. |
AppointmentSeriesPackage Object
Name | Type | Description |
Package | object | Object that contains the guest's package-related elements. For more information, refer to the Package Object table. |
InvoiceItemId | guid | Unique ID of the item in the invoice. |
InvoiceItemAddedTime | datetime | Date on which the invoice item had been added. |
PackageUserId | guid | Unique ID of the package applied for the user. |
Employee | object | Object that contains these employee-related elements: Id, ShortName, NickName, FullName, Email, PhoneNumber, MobilePhoneModel, Gender, FirstName, LastName, IsAvailable, WaiveBiometricFlag, VanityImageUrl, ScalingFactor, ScaledPrice, ServiceTime, DisplayName, IdleTime, OriginalPrice, OriginalTax, Job, BookingInterval, schedule, unavailable_times, and LastDate. |
Quantity | int | Quantity of items included in the invoice. |
Price | object | Object that contains these price-related elements: CurrencyId, Sales, Tax, Final, Final1, Discount, Tip, SSG, RoundingCorrection, DiscountedPrice, environmental_fee, environmental_fee_label, and can_be_waived. |
IsMembershipApplied | boolean | If true, it indicates that the guest's membership has been applied on the invoice. |
IsPackageApplied | boolean | If true, it indicates that a package has been applied on the invoice. |
IsDiscountApplied | boolean | If true, it indicates that a discount has been applied on the invoice. |
packages_product_type_item | object | Object that contains the type of product items-related elements included in the package: packages_product, quantity, invoice_item_id, employee_id, price, and discount. |
Package Object
Name | Type | Description |
Id | guid | Unique identifier of the package version. |
Name | string | Name of the package. |
Description | string | Description of the package. |
Code | string | Code of the package |
HasBundledProducts | boolean | If true, it indicates that this version of the package contains bundled products. |
Duration | int | Duration of the package that was set at the time of package creation. |
BundledProductPriceCheck | enum | Indicates that the package price is inclusive of bundle products: ShouldBeLessThanPackagePrice - 0 and 1 - CanBeMoreThanPackagePrice. |
BundledProductPricePercentage | decimal | When BundledProductPriceCheck is less than package price, then percentage of price allocated to bundle products is given by this element. |
PackagePriceWithOutTax | decimal | Price of the package without tax. |
Type | enum | Type of the package: DayPackage - 1, SeriesPackage - 2, PromoPackage = 3. |
Price | object | Object that contains price-related elements of the package: CurrencyId, Sales, Tax, Final, Final1, Discount, Tip, SSG, RoundingCorrection, DiscountedPrice, environmental_fee, environmental_fee_label, and can_be_waived. |
PackageCostIncBundledProducts | boolean | If true, it indicates that the package price is inclusive of bundled products. |
Services | object | Object that contains service-related elements of the package: Id, Name, DisplayName, Price, Duration, CategoryId, IsAddOn, HasAddOns, AddOnToServiceId, Description, HTMLDescription, CategoryName, AddOns, IsVariant, HasVariant, HasSegments, ParentServiceId, CartItemId, SaleAllowedAsPartOfPackageOrMembershipOnly, BookingWithPartialBalance, ShowInCatalog, IncludesTax, IsServicePriceScaledForAnyTherapist, canPerformService, Membership, PseudoAppliedMembership, ScaledDuration, AppointmentId, override_product_consumption, override_default_product_consumption, ServiceFinalPrice, Void, RecoveryTime, Code, CampaignInfo, PreRequisites, EnforcePreRequisites, ClubPreRequisites, ValidityDays, BookingOrder, ValidityDaysAsPreRequisite, tips_enabled, EnableCatalogServiceFrequency, CatalogServiceFrequency. |
Items | object | Object that contains the items in the package: Id, Name, Quantity, Order, Service, and PackageServicePK. |
CanBook | boolean | If true, it indicates that the package can be booked. |
PackageDisplayName | string | Display name that was set up in catalog during the set up of the package. |
PackageDisplayPrice | string | Catalog price of the package. |
HTMLDescription | string | HTML description of the package. |
CalculateServiceLevelTax | boolean | If true, it indicates that the service-level tax will be calculated. |
TermsandConditions | string | Terms and conditions that have been specified during the package set up. |
ExpirationDate | datetime | Date on which the package expires. |
ExpirationDays | int | Number of days that the package expires after the package has been sold. |
ScheduledPaymentFrequency | int | If the package can be paid by using scheduled payments, this element specifies the frequency with which it has to be paid. |
ScheduledPaymentFrequencyType | int | Type of scheduled payment frequency: days, weeks, or months. |
RestrictRedemptionToThisCenter | int | Indicates whether the sale of the package has been restricted to the current center. |
CenterName | string | Name of the center from which you are retrieving the package details. |
PackageCategoryName | string | Name of the category to which the package belongs. |
start_validity_at_first_redemption | boolean | Indicates that the validity of the package starts at sale date or at first redemption. |
Payments Object
Name | Type | Description |
PaymentOption | object | Object that contains payment option-related elements: PaymentOption, TotalAmountPaid, AmountPaid, TipAmount, SSGAmount, FeeAmount, CashBackAmount, TransactionId, PaymentDate, and CashRegisterId. |
TotalAmountPaid | decimal | Total amount including taxes paid by the guest. |
AmountPaid | decimal | Total amount paid by the guest for the appointment. |
TipAmount | decimal | Tip amount paid by the guest for the appointment. |
SSGAmount | decimal | SSG amount paid by the guest for the appointment. |
FeeAmount | decimal | Fee amount paid by the guest for the appointment. |
CashBackAmount | decimal | Cashback amount received by the guest for the appointment appointment. |
TransactionId | guid | Unique ID of the payment transaction. |
PaymentDate | datetime | Date on which the guest made the payment. |
CashRegisterId | guid | Unique ID of the cash register in which the payment was collected. |
Redemptions Object
Name | Type | Description |
Option | object | Object that contains these redemption options-related elements: Id, Mode, and Name. |
Amount | decimal | Redemption amount received by the guest for the appointment payment. |
TransactionId | guid | Unique ID of the payment transaction. |
PaymentDate | datetime | Date on which the guest made the payment. |
Points | decimal | Loyalty points received by the guest. |
RefundItems Object
Name | Type | Description |
InvoiceItemId | guid | Unique ID of the item in the invoice that was refunded. |
ItemId | guid | |
Quantity | int | Number of the items that were refunded. |
RefundAmount | decimal | Refund amount received by the guest. |
RefundDate | datetime | Date on which the guest received the refund amount. |
Center Object
Name | Type | Description |
Id | guid | Unique ID of the center. |
Country | object | Object that contains the center's various country-related elements: Id, Code, Name, PhoneCode, and Nationality. |
State | object | Object that contains the center's various country-related elements: Id, Code, Name, and ShortName. |
Name | string | Name of the center. |
GeoLatitude | decimal | Geographical latitude details of the center. |
GeoLongitude | decimal | Geographical longitude details of the center. |
Address1 | string | First line of the address details of the center. |
Address2 | string | Second line of the address details of the center. |
City | string | City in which the center is present. |
ZipCode | string | Zip code of the area in which the center is present. |
Phone1 | string | Primary phone number of the center. |
Phone2 | string | Secondary phone number of the center. |
string | Email ID of the center. | |
CenterInfo | string | Additional information about the center. |
ServiceTaxNo | string | Service tax number of the center. |
TIN | string | Tax Information Network details of the center. |
VAT | string | Value Added Tax details of the center. |
CST | string | Central Sales Tax details of the center. |
CanBook | boolean | If true, it indicates that guests can book appointments at the center. |
CenterCode | string | Code of the center. |
TimeZone | object | Code of the center. |
CollectFeedback | boolean | If true, it indicates that guests can provide feedback at the center. |
working_hours | object | Object that contains the center's working hours-related elements: day_of_week, start_time, and end_time. |
AreServicesAvailableInCenter | boolean | If true, it indicates that services are available at the center. |
FeedBackLink | string | URL by using which the guest can provide feedback. |
FeedBackLabelText | string | Text of the feedback label. |
isPaymentEnabled | boolean | If true, it indicates that the setting to allow guests to make payments has been enabled for the center. |
isCenterVoided | boolean | If true, it indicates that the center has been voided. |
isServiceSaleEnabled | boolean | If true, it indicates that the sale of services has been enabled at the center. |
isMembershipSaleEnabled | boolean | If true, it indicates that the sale of memberships has been enabled at the center. |
isGiftCardSaleEnabled | boolean | If true, it indicates that the sale of gift cards has been enabled at the center. |
isSeriesPackageSaleEnabled | boolean | If true, it indicates that the sale of packages has been enabled at the center. |
isDealsEnabled | boolean | If true, it indicates that the usage of deals has been enabled at the center. |
EnableSelfPay | boolean | If true, it enables the Self Pay payment option at the center. |
EnableSelfCheckIn | boolean | If true, it enables the Self Checkin option at the center. |
EnableAutoPay | boolean | If true, it enables the Self Pay payment option at the center. |
AllowSelfCheckinBefore | boolean | If true, it allows the guest to self checkin before arriving at the center. |
AllowCheckWithinRadius | boolean | If true, it allows the guest to checkin within a specified geographical radius around center. |
Zone | object | Object that contains the center's zone-related elements: id and name. |
PaymentOptions Object
Name | Type | Description |
Id | guid | Unique ID of the payment option. |
PaymentMode | enum | Indicates the mode of payment: NotSpecified - -1, Cash - 0, GiftCard - 1, Membership - 2, Package - 3, Custom - 4, CreditCard - 5, Cheque - 6, LoyaltyPoints - 7, Cashback - 8, PrepaidCard - 9. |
PaymentName | string | Name of the type of payment. |
CardNumber | string | Credit/debit card number of the guest. |
Error Object
StatusCode | Message |
428 | Invalid Invoice. |