Retrieve the merge history of guest records

Use this API to fetch the merge history of guest records. This API also retrieves the history of guest records that have been merged across different centers.

You must specify appropriate details for the start_date and end_date parameters in the API request.
Optionally, you can specify necessary details for the center_id, page, and size parameters in the API request.

Response Details

merge_historyobjectObject that contains the merge history-related elements of guest records. For more information, refer to the merge_history Object table.
page_infoobjectObject that contains the pagination-related elements of the response. For more information, refer to the page_info Object table.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the error Object table.

merge_history Object

merged_datedatetimeDate and time on which the guest records were merged.
from_guestobjectObject that contains details about the guest record that was merged into the to_guest record. For more information, refer to the from_guest Object table.
to_guestobjectObject that contains details about the guest record into which the from_guest record was merged. For more information, refer to the to_guest Object table.

from_guest Object

idguidUnique 32-character of the guest whose record was merged into the to_guest record.
codestringCode of the guest whose record was merged into the to_guest record.
namestringName of the guest whose record was merged into the to_guest record.
centerobjectObject that contains these elements of the center to which the from_guest record belongs: id and name.

to_guest Object

idguidUnique 32-character of the guest into whose record the from_guest record was merged.
codestringCode of the guest into whose record the from_guest record was merged.
namestringName of the guest into whose record the from_guest record was merged.
centerobjectObject that contains these elements of the center to which the to_guest record belongs: id and name.

page_info Object

totalintTotal records displayed in the response.
pageintNumber of pages that is displayed in the response.
sizeintNumber of records displayed per page in the response.

error Object

1004Request is missing mandatory parameters start_date and/or end_date.
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