List all employees of a center

This API helps you to retrieve all the employees that are active in the center on the specified date.

You must specify the unique identifier of the center as center_id in the API request.
You can also leverage the pagination feature by passing page and size query parameters if you have a large number of records to be displayed. By default, page is set as 1 and size is set as 10. size cannot be more than 100: which means that the maximum records per page cannot be more than 100.

Response Details

employeesobjectObject that contains all the employees-related elements.
job_infoobjectObject containing the job details of the employee.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the error Object table.

employees Object

idguidUnique identifier of the employee.
codestringCode of the employee.
personal_infoobjectObject containing the personal details of the employee.
first_namestringFirst name of the employee.
last_namestringLast name of the employee.
namestringName of the employee.
genderenumGender of the employee: NotSpecified = -1, Male = 1, Female = 0, Other = 3.

job_info Object

idguidUnique identifier of the job of the employee.
namestringName of the job of the employee.

error Object

438user does not have authorization.
502Invalid center_id.
400The request is invalid.
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