Guest Membership Change Log

This API helps you to retrieve the changes to the Guest's Membership, in the specified window.

Response Object

page_infoobjectObject that contains the pagination related elements of the response. For more information, refer to page-info Object table.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more infomation, refer to the error Object table
guest_idguidUnique identifier of the guest, whose records are to be returned.
idguidUnique Identifier of the user membership
statusstringCurrent status of membership: Active = 1, InActive = 2, Frozen = 3, Cancelled = 4, Expired = 5, Closed = 6, NotStarted = 7, Suspended = 8, Refund = 9, Deleted = 10, Failed = 12, Default = -1
recurrence_statusstringRecurrence status of the membership: Active = 1, InActive = 2, Frozen = 3, Cancelled = 4, Expired = 5, Closed = 6, NotStarted = 7, Suspended = 8, Refund = 9, Deleted = 10, Failed = 12, Default = -1
membership_codestringUnique code of the membership
membership_idguidUnique identifier of the membership
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