Create a service booking

This API helps you to create a service booking request for an appointment. To create a group service booking, you must specify in the API request body the required guest_id and appointment-related item details. After you add appointment details for multiple guests, this API automatically creates a group booking. For more information on these parameters and how to create a group booking, refer to the Request Body Details table and the Body section respectively.If you have a preference for a specific therapist for the service, you can specify the required therapist ID in the API request body. If you have a preference for a specific gender of therapist for the service, you can specify the required gender option in the API request body.After you use this API to create a service booking, a unique 32-digit booking_id is generated. You can then use this booking_id to retrieve available slots for the service booking, reserve a slot for the service booking, and then confirm the service booking to complete the appointment-booking process.This API also allows guests to create service bookings for other guests, provided there is a relationship defined in Zenoti, and the booking can only be done by the host. The host_id parameter in the request object can also select the host for group bookings. This API now supports Zenoti growth features.

Request Body Details

center_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the center.
is_only_catalog_employeesbooleanIndicates whether the service booking will be created for catalog-enabled therapists only.
datedateDate of the service booking.
is_family_bookingbooleanIndicates if guest wants to book an appointment for a family member.
host_idguidUnique identifier of the host guest, required for group bookings where one guest books for an entire group. If is_surprise parameter is set to TRUE, this host_id is making an appointment for another guest. And if the is_surprise parameter is set to FALSE and if it is a group booking, the host_id should be a part of guests Object.
is_surprisebooleanIndicates whether the booking is going to be a surprise visit or not.
relationship_host_idguidUnique 32 digit identifier of the relationship host.
guest_relationship_idguidUnique 32 digit identifier of the guest for whom the host wants to book an appointment.
guestsobjectObject that contains details about various guest-related elements. For more information, refer to the guests Object table.

guests Object

idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the guest.
itemsobjectObject that contains elements related to services and requested therapists. For more information, refer to the items Object table.
equipmentguidIdentifier of the equipment that will be used for the service appointment.

items Object

item_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the requested service in the service booking.
roomobjectObject that contains the ID of the room in the center at which the service is to be performed. For more information, refer to the room Object table.
therapistobjectObject that contains the ID and gender details of the requested therapist. If this object is not passed, the booking will be assigned to any available therapist who can perform the service. If this object is passed, the booking will be assigned to the specified therapist. For more information, refer to the therapist Object table.
parallel_service_groupobjectObject that contains the ID of the parallel service group. To pass this object ensure you have the same id to both the services and place them sequentially. (one after the other).
add_onsobjectObject that contains the ID of the add-on item of the service booking. For more information, refer to the add_ons Object table.

room Object

idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the room in the center at which the service is to be performed..

therapist Object

IdguidUnique 32-character identifier of the requested therapist. If this guid is not passed, the booking will be assigned to any available therapist who can perform the service. If this guid is passed, the booking will be assigned to the specific therapist.
GenderenumIndicates the gender of the requested therapist: Any = 0, Male = 1, Female = 2, and Specific = 3. If this enum is not passed, the booking will be assigned to any available therapist who can perform the service. If this enum is passed, the booking will be assigned to an available therapist based on the specified gender.

add_ons Object

itemobjectObject that contains the ID of the add-on item of the service booking. For more information, refer to the item Object table.

item Object

idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the requested add-on item of the service booking.

Response Details

idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the generated booking_id.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the error Object table.

error Object

cannot modify. Invoice is before financial lock period.1502If you cannot change the service booking details because this action is requested before the financial lock period of the invoice.
center_id is missing.503If the center_id has not been specified.
request is missing.503If the request body of this API has not been specified.
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