Undo the status of a checked-in appointment

This API helps you to undo the status of a checked-in appointment. By doing so, you can provide your guests the option to undo the status of their self checked-in appointments from your CMA and custom Webstore.
You must specify appropriate data for the appointment_group_id parameter.

Response Details

successbooleanIndicates whether the status of the specified checked-in appointment was successfully modified.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the error Object table.

error Object

410Appointment could not be found.
428Invoice does not exist.
4051User cannot access.
502Invoice center is not a valid center. Organization ID does not match with invoice's organization ID.
735Undo check-in cannot be added for closed invoice.
736You cannot undo check-in guests for appointments scheduled for a future date.
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