Fetch the class details of an organization - Class report API

Purpose: Use this API to fetch the class details of an organization.

You must specify center_ids and employee_ids along with other params as mentioned in the BODY PARAMS section.

Response Details

booking_sourcestringSource of the booking for the class.
center_namestringName of the center.
class_categorystringCategory of the center.
class_idguidUnique identifier of the class.
class_namestringName of the class.
class_subcategorystringSubcategory of the center.
employee_codestringEmployee code of the center.
namestringName of the instructor.
first_visitstringDenotes if this is the first visit of the guest.
group_idguidUnique identifier of the group.
guest_idguidUnique identifier of the guest.
guest_namestringName of the guest.
invoice_idguidUnique identifier of the invoice.
invoice_nostringThe number of the invoice raised for the classes.
memberenumDenotes if the guest is a member
mobile_phonestringThe mobile phone of the guest.
qtyintQuantity of the classes that are booked
net_priceintPrice of the classes
class_typestringType of the classes.
session_enddatedatetimeDenotes the time when the session ends.
session_priceintPrice of the session
session_startdatedatetimeDenotes the time when the session starts
registration_statusstringStatus of the session registration.
registration_status_datedatetimeDate when the status of the registration is updated.
employee_idguidUnique identifier of the employee.
class_capacityintThe capacity of the class.
avg_class_attendance_countintCount the class attendance.
class_utilizationstringTotal utilization of the class.
billing_zipstringZip code of the guest as per the billing address.
classpass_statusstringStatus of the guest's class pass.
sub_requestedintDenotes if a substitute is requested.
sub_volunteeredintDenotes if a substitute has volunteered.
session_idguidUnique identifier of the session.
session_namestringName of the session.

error Object

502start_date must be earlier than end_dateWhen the end_date is before the start_date.
502Request body is missingWhen the request body is missing.
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