List all appointments of a guest

Provide unique identifier of the guest as guest_id and this api will retrieve the appointment history of the respective guest.

This API also allows guests to view the appointment details of other guests, provided they have a relationship defined in Zenoti. Also, only a host guest token can view another guest's appointment details.

Response Details

appointmentsobjectObject containing the appointment group info of the guest
page_infoobjectPagination details of the appointments list - Total, page, size

appointments object

appointment_group_idguidUnique identifier of the appointment group
no_of_guestsenumnumber of guests in the appointment
invoice_idguidUnique identifier of the invoice associated the appointment
invoice_statusint?Status of the invoice: Open = 0, Processed = 1, CampaignApplied = 2, CouponApplied = 3, Closed = 4, NotSpecified = 11, Voided = 99
is_rebookingboolWhether the appointment is a rebooking
notesstringnotes in the appointment, if any
invoiceobjectInvoice object containing Id, invoice no, status and receipt no
center_idguidUnique identifier of the center associated to the appointment
appointment_serviceslistList of services in the appointment
appointment_packageslistList of packages in the appointment
priceobjectPrice details associated to the appointment
group_invoice_idguid?Unique Identifier of the group invoice, if applicable
is_feedback_submittedboolWhether feedback about the appointment has been submitted

appointment_services object

appointment_idguidUnique identifier of the appointment
invoice_item_idguidUnique identifier of the invoice item
cart_item_idguidUnique identifier of the cart item
serviceobjectDetails of the Service in the appointment
requested_therapist_genderenumGender of the requested therapist
start_timedatetime?Start time of the appointment at the center
end_timedatetime?End time of the appointment at the center
roomobjectDetails of the room in which service is done, if applicable
equipmentobjectDetails of the equipment in which service is done, if applicable
appointment_statusenumNoShow = -2, Cancelled = -1, New = 0, Closed = 1, Checkin = 2, Confirm = 4,Break = 10, NotSpecified = 11, Available = 20, Voided = 21
requested_therapist_idguidUnique identifier of the requested therapist
QuantityintQuantity of services in the appointment
service_custom_data_indicatorstringDetails on Service custom data in hash appended format
item_actionsstringActions that are taken on the Service. Eg: Membership applied, Service credits availed etc
is_membership_appliedboolWhether membership is applied on the Service
is_addonboolWhether service has an add-on
addon_appointment_idguidIf service has an add-on, then Unique identifier of the add-on appointment
has_service_formboolWhether the service has a form
has_segmentsboolWhether the service has segments
segmentsList of segment objectsIf the service has segments, then the list of the segment objects

appointment_packages object

idguidUnique identifier of the package
namestringName of the package
durationintTime required to perform the services in the package
serviceobjectDetails of the Service in the appointment
appointment_serviceslistList of services in the package
priceobjectPrice details associated to the appointment

service object

idguidUnique identifier of the service
namestringName of the service
display_namestringName of the service
priceobjectDetails of the price of the service
durationintTime required to perform the service
category_idguid?Category which the service belongs to
is_addonboolWhether this service is an add-on
has_addonsboolWhether this service has add-ons
addonslistList of add-ons if the service has add-on
is_variantboolWhether this service is a variant
has_variantboolWhether this service has variants
parent_service_idguid?Unique Identifer of the parent service, if this service is an add-on/variant/segment
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