Retrieve the sales report of a center

NOTE : This API is deprecated. Requesting not to use this API for any new integrations as the data cannot be reconciled to new sales accrual/sales cash reports available in the UI. This API retrieves the list of sales of the specified center during the selected date range.You must specify appropriate details for the center_id, start_date, and end_date parameters in the API request.Note : The date range that you specify cannot be more than seven days.

Response Details

invoice_nostringUnique number assigned to the invoice.
receipt_nostringUnique number assigned to the invoice receipt.
guestobjectObject that contains guest-related elements: guest_id, guest_name, and guest_code.
guest_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the guest.
guest_namestringName of the guest.
guest_codestringCode of the guest.
sold_ondatetimeDate on which the item wass sold.
serviced_ondatetimeDate on which the service was performed.
centerobjectObject that contains center-related elements.
center_namestringName of the center.
center_codestringCode of the center.
itemobjectObject that contains invoice item-related elements.
typeenumType of the invoice item.
namestringName of the invoice item.
codestringCode of the invoice item.
gift_card_codestringCode of the gift card redeemed by the guest.
quantityintQuantity of the invoice item.
unit_pricedecimalUnit price of the invoice item.
sale_pricedecimalSale price of the invoice item.
discountdecimalDiscount on the invoice item.
final_sale_pricedecimalFinal sale price of the invoice item.
total_taxdecimalTotal tax on the invoice.
tax_break_updictionaryTax breakup of the invoice.
tax_codestringTax code of the invoice.
loyalty_point_redemptiondecimalLoyalty points redeemed on the invoice.
membership_redmptiondecimalMembership benefits redeemed on the invoice.
prepaid_card_redemptiondecimalPrepaid card points redeemed on the invoice.
cashback_redemptiondecimalCashback redeemed on the invoice.
package_redemptiondecimalPackage redeemed on the invoice.
cashdecimalCash paid for the invoice.
carddecimalCard value paid for the invoice.
checkdecimalCheck value paid for the invoice.
customdecimalCustom amount paid for the invoice.
pointsdecimalPoints paid for the invoice.
membership_paiddecimalMembership amount paid for the invoice.
prepaid_carddecimalPrepaid card amount paid for the invoice.
last_payment_datedatetimeLast payment date of the invoice.
invoice_item_idguidUnqiue 32-character identifier of the invoice item.
rounding_adjustmentdecimalRounding adjustment done for the invoice item.
tipsdecimalTips collected for the invoice item.
employeeobjectObject that contains empolyee-related elements.
namestringName of the employee who performed the service or sold the product.
codestringCode of the employee who performed the service or sold the product.
job_codestringJob code of the employee who performed the service or sold the product.
tagsstringTags for the invoice item.
promotionstringPromotion on the invoice item.
coupon_printedstringCoupon printed for the invoice item.
first_visitstringFirst visit of the guest.
packagestringPackage details of the guest.
package_invoicestringPackage invoice details of the guest.
duedecimalPayment due for the guest.
payment_typestringPayment type for the guest.
business_unit_namestringBusiness unit name of the center.
state_codestringState code of the center.
SACstringServices Accounting Code of the service.
created_date_in_centerdatetimeDate on which the invoice item was performed at the center.
item_row_numintNumber of the item row of the record.
row_numintNumber of the row of the record.
HSNstringHarmonized System of Nomenclature details for the product.
ErrorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details.
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