NOTE : This API is deprecated. Requesting not to use this API for any new integrations as the data cannot be reconciled to new sales accrual/sales cash reports available in the UI. This API retrieves the list of sales of the specified center during the selected date range.You must specify appropriate details for the center_id
, start_date
, and end_date
parameters in the API request.Note : The date range that you specify cannot be more than seven days.
Response Details
Name | Type | Description |
invoice_no | string | Unique number assigned to the invoice. |
receipt_no | string | Unique number assigned to the invoice receipt. |
guest | object | Object that contains guest-related elements: guest_id, guest_name, and guest_code. |
guest_id | guid | Unique 32-character identifier of the guest. |
guest_name | string | Name of the guest. |
guest_code | string | Code of the guest. |
sold_on | datetime | Date on which the item wass sold. |
serviced_on | datetime | Date on which the service was performed. |
center | object | Object that contains center-related elements. |
center_name | string | Name of the center. |
center_code | string | Code of the center. |
item | object | Object that contains invoice item-related elements. |
type | enum | Type of the invoice item. |
name | string | Name of the invoice item. |
code | string | Code of the invoice item. |
gift_card_code | string | Code of the gift card redeemed by the guest. |
quantity | int | Quantity of the invoice item. |
unit_price | decimal | Unit price of the invoice item. |
sale_price | decimal | Sale price of the invoice item. |
discount | decimal | Discount on the invoice item. |
final_sale_price | decimal | Final sale price of the invoice item. |
total_tax | decimal | Total tax on the invoice. |
tax_break_up | dictionary | Tax breakup of the invoice. |
tax_code | string | Tax code of the invoice. |
loyalty_point_redemption | decimal | Loyalty points redeemed on the invoice. |
membership_redmption | decimal | Membership benefits redeemed on the invoice. |
prepaid_card_redemption | decimal | Prepaid card points redeemed on the invoice. |
cashback_redemption | decimal | Cashback redeemed on the invoice. |
package_redemption | decimal | Package redeemed on the invoice. |
cash | decimal | Cash paid for the invoice. |
card | decimal | Card value paid for the invoice. |
check | decimal | Check value paid for the invoice. |
custom | decimal | Custom amount paid for the invoice. |
points | decimal | Points paid for the invoice. |
membership_paid | decimal | Membership amount paid for the invoice. |
prepaid_card | decimal | Prepaid card amount paid for the invoice. |
last_payment_date | datetime | Last payment date of the invoice. |
invoice_item_id | guid | Unqiue 32-character identifier of the invoice item. |
rounding_adjustment | decimal | Rounding adjustment done for the invoice item. |
tips | decimal | Tips collected for the invoice item. |
employee | object | Object that contains empolyee-related elements. |
name | string | Name of the employee who performed the service or sold the product. |
code | string | Code of the employee who performed the service or sold the product. |
job_code | string | Job code of the employee who performed the service or sold the product. |
tags | string | Tags for the invoice item. |
promotion | string | Promotion on the invoice item. |
coupon_printed | string | Coupon printed for the invoice item. |
first_visit | string | First visit of the guest. |
package | string | Package details of the guest. |
package_invoice | string | Package invoice details of the guest. |
due | decimal | Payment due for the guest. |
payment_type | string | Payment type for the guest. |
business_unit_name | string | Business unit name of the center. |
state_code | string | State code of the center. |
SAC | string | Services Accounting Code of the service. |
created_date_in_center | datetime | Date on which the invoice item was performed at the center. |
item_row_num | int | Number of the item row of the record. |
row_num | int | Number of the row of the record. |
HSN | string | Harmonized System of Nomenclature details for the product. |
Error | object | Object that contains error message and error code details. |