Retrieve the details of an appointment

This API retrieves the details of the specified appointment. You must specify appropriate data for the appointment_id parameter.

Request Details

appointment_idguidUnique 32-character ID of the appointment.

Response object

Appointment Details

Json PropertyTypeDescription
idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the appointment.
appointment_segment_idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the appointment segment.
appointment_group_idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the appointment group.
invoice_idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the invoice.
serviceObjectObject that contains information on various service-related elements. Refer to the service table below.
start_timeDateTimeStart date and time of the appointment.
start_time_utcDateTimeStart date and time of the appointment in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
end_timeDateTimeEnd date and time of the appointment.
end_time_utcDateTimeEnd date and time of the appointment in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
statusEnumIndicates the status of the appointment.
sourceEnumIndicates the source from which the guest booked the appointment.
progressEnumIndicates the progress of the appointment.
lockedBooleanIndicates if the appointment booking is locked.
invoice_lockedBooleanIndicates if the invoice for the appointment booking is locked.
has_active_membership_for_auto_payBooleanIndicates if the guest has an active membership for automatic payment of the invoice.
guestObjectObject that contains information on various guest-related elements. Refer to the guest table below.
therapistObjectObject that contains information on various therapist-related elements. Refer to the therapist table below.
roomObjectObject that contains information on various room-related elements: name and id.
equipmentObjectObject that contains information on various equipment-related elements: name and id.
service_custom_data_indicatorStringRepresents any custom data added for the service(s) in the appointment.
notesStringAny notes that have been added for the appointment.
priceObjectObject that contains information on various price-related elements.
actual_start_timeDateTimeDate and time at which the appointment actually started.
actual_completed_timeDateTimeDate and time at which the appointment actually ended.
checkin_timeDateTimeDate and time at which the guest checked in.
therapist_preference_typeEnumIndicates the gender of the requested therapist.
form_idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the form that is associated with the invoice.
blockoutObjectObject that contains information on various break category-related elements of the employee. Refer to the blockout table below.
creation_dateDateTimeDate and time on which the appointment was created.
creation_date_utcDateTimeDate and time on which the appointment was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
created_by_idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the employee who created the appointment.
closed_by_idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the employee who closed the appointment.
show_in_calendarIntegerIndicates whether the appointment is shown in the appointment booking calendar.
available_therapistsObjectObject that contains information on various available therapists-related elements. Refer to the available_therapists table below.
available_roomsObjectObject that contains information on various available rooms-related elements: name and id.
available_timesDateTimeDates and times on which the slot is available to be booked for the appointment.
selected_therapist_idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the selected therapist for the appointment.
selected_room_idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the selected room for the appointment.
selected_timeDateTimeDate and time selected for the appointment.
requested_alternativeEnumIndicates the alternative items requested by the guest.
group_invoice_idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the group invoice for the appointment.
group_nameStringName of the group to which the appointment is associated.
errorStringDetails of any error message.


idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the service that is part of the appointment.
nameStringThe name of the service.
is_addonBooleanIndicates if the service is included as an add-on.
has_addonsBooleanIndicates if the service includes add-ons.
parent_appointment_idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the parent appointment.
business_unitObjectObject containing information on various business unit-related elements: guid, name, and id.
categoryObjectObject containing information on various service category-related elements: name and id.
sub_categoryObjectObject containing information on various service subcategory-related elements: name and id.
override_product_consumptionBooleanIndicates if the override product consumption setting for the service is enabled.
override_default_product_consumptionBooleanIndicates if the override default product consumption setting for the service is enabled.


idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the guest.
first_nameStringFirst name of the guest.
last_nameStringLast name of the guest.
genderEnumIndicates gender of the guest.
mobileObjectObject containing details of various mobile number-related elements of the guest: country_id, number, and display_number.
emailStringEmail ID of the guest.
indicatorStringRepresents the indicator of the guest.
lp_tier_infoStringRepresents the loyalty tier information of the guest.
GuestIndicatorValueObjectObject containing details of various guest indicator value-related elements.
preferred_pronounstringPreferred pronoun of the guest, with null value handling for ignoring


idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the therapist.
first_nameStringFirst name of the therapist.
last_nameStringLast name of the therapist.
nick_nameStringNickname of the therapist.
display_nameStringDisplay name of the therapist.
emailStringEmail ID of the therapist.
genderEnumIndicates gender of the therapist.
vanity_image_urlStringURL of a photo of the therapist.

Available Therapists

idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the available therapist.
first_nameStringFirst name of the available therapist.
last_nameStringLast name of the available therapist.
nick_nameStringNickname of the available therapist.
display_nameStringDisplay name of the available therapist.
emailStringEmail ID of the available therapist.
genderEnumIndicates gender of the available therapist.
vanity_image_urlStringURL of a photo of the available therapist.


idGuidUnique 32-character ID of the blockout.
nameStringName of the blockout.
codeStringCode of the blockout.
descriptionStringDescription of the blockout.
durationIntegerDuration of the blockout.
activeBooleanIndicates if the blockout is active.
count_in_utilizationBooleanIndicates if the blockout count is included in utilization.
bookableBooleanIndicates if the blockout is bookable.
indicator_colorStringColor indicator of the blockout.
text_colorStringColor of the text for the blockout.

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