List all coupons of a guest

Provide unique identifier of the guest as guest_id and this api will retrieve the coupon history of the respective guest.
you can also use pagination by passing page and size query parameters if guest has huge number of records. By default page is set to 1 and size is set to 10. Size cannot be more than 100 which means maximum records per page cannot be more than 100.

Response Details

couponsobjectObject containing the details of the guest's coupons.
page_infoobjectObject containing the page info of the API response.

coupons Object

idguidunique identifier of the coupon.
numberstringunique number given to the coupon.
invoice_idguidunique identifier of the invoice.
invoice_numberstringunique number generated to identify the invoice.
reciept_numberstringunique number generated to identify the receipt.
descriptionstringrepresents description of the guest coupon.
issue_datedatetimedate on which the coupon is issued to the guest.
issued_centerstringname of the center at which the coupon is issued to the guest.
expiry_datedatetimedate on which the coupon will expire.
redemptionstringrepresents redemption status of the coupon.
redeemed_centerstringname of the center at which the coupon is redeemed by the guest.
redeemable_by_allstringrepresents whether the coupon is redeemed by anyone or only the specific guest.
statusstringrepresents the status of the invoice.
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