Add a credit/debit card for a guest

This API helps you to add a credit card or debit card for a guest.

To add a credit card or debit card for a guest, follow these steps:

  1. Specify the request body for this API, and in response, you will receive an URL from the payment processor as hosted_payment_uri.
  2. Open hosted_payment_uri. You will then be redirected to a page from the payment processor.
  3. Enter the account details, and then click Submit. The payment account will be added for the guest with the guest_id details that you had specified in the API request.

Response Details

token_idstringToken or Reference number for processing the transaction.
hosted_payment_uristringRepresents the URI to which you are redirected for the Save Card screen.

error Object

400Bad request.
931CanNotReplacePaymentAccount error.
932AVSDetailsError error.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!