List the Series Packages of a Guest

This API lists the details of the Series packages that a particular guest has bought or redeemed from a specific center.

You need to provide details for the following parameters: guest_id, center_id, show redeemable, page_num, and page_size.

This API does not provide information on the Day packages that the guest has bought or redeemed at a center.

Response Details

user_package_idguidUnique 32-character ID of the package that the guest bought or redeemed at the center.
user_package_stateenumIndicates the state details of the package: Closed = 0, Open = 1, WithProcessing = 2, and Default = -1.
redeemablebool?Indicates whether the guest can redeem a package at the center.
invoiceobjectAn object that contains the list of invoice elements. For more information, refer the invoice Object table below.
statusenumIndicates the status details of the package: Active = 1, Frozen = 3, Expired = 5, CancelledRefund = 6, NotStarted = 7, NotApplicable = 8, and Default = -1
packageobjectAn object that contains the list of package elements. For more information, refer the package Object table below.
dateobjectAn object that contains the list of date elements. For more information, refer the invoice Object table below.
productsobjectAn object that contains the list of product elements. For more information, refer the products Object table below.
servicesobjectAn object that contains the list of service elements. For more information, refer the services Object table below.
redemption_setting_detailsobjectAn object that contains the list of redemption setting elements. For more information, refer the redemption_setting_details Object table below

invoice Object

statusenumIndicates the status details of the package invoice: Open = 0, Processed = 1, Closed = 4, NotSpecified = 11, Default = 12, and Void = 13.
receipt_nostringReceipt number of the package invoice.
idguidUnique 32-character ID of the receipt of the package invoice.
nostringNumber of the package invoice.

package Object

typeenumIndicates the type of package: Regular = 0, Custom = 1, Offer = 2, and CustomOffer = 3.
idguidUnique 32-character ID of the package.
namestringName of the package.

date Object

end_date_with_gracedatetimeExpiry date and time of the package including the grace period.
startdatetimeDate and time on which the package was created.
enddatetimeExpiry date and time of the package.

products Object

product_type_infoobjectObject that contains the following information about the product that is added to the package: product_category_type, name, and id.
product_category_typeenumIndicates the category type of the product: Category = 1, Product = 2, and Tags = 3.
namestringName of the product.
idguidUnique 32-character ID of the product.
exists_in_current_centerboolIndicates whether the product is available at the current center.
totalintTotal number of products that the guest can buy as part of the package.
usedintNumber of products that the guest has bought as part of the package.
balanceintRemaining number of products that the guest can avail as part of the package.
balance_amountdecimalRemaining balance price of the products that the guest can buy as part of the package.
priceobjectProduct price object that contains: currency_id, sales, tax, and final.
currency_idintUnique ID of the currency in which the product price is displayed.
salesdecimalPrice of the product (excluding the tax amount).
taxdecimalTax amount that is added to the price of the product.
finaldecimalFinal price (including the tax amount) of the product.

services Object

service_type_infoobjectObject that contains the following information about the service that is added to the package: service_category_type, id, name, duration, and has_segments.
service_category_typeenumIndicates the category type of the service: Default = -1, Category = 1, Service = 2, and Tag = 3.
idguidUnique 32-character ID of the service.
namestringName of the service.
durationintTime duration of the service.
has_segmentsboolIndicates whether the service contains any segments.
exists_in_current_centerboolIndicates whether the service is available at the current center.
totalintTotal number of services that the guest can avail as part of the package.
usedintNumber of services that the guest has availed as part of the package.
balanceintRemaining number of services that the guest can avail as part of the package.
balance_amountdecimalRemaining balance price of the services that the guest can avail as part of the package.
priceobjectService price object that contains: currency_id, sales, tax, and final.
currency_idintUnique ID of the currency in which the service price is displayed.
salesdecimalPrice of the service (excluding the tax amount).
taxdecimalTax amount that is added to the price of the service.
finaldecimalFinal price (including the tax amount) of the service.
package_service_pricedecimalTotal price of the service.
sale_as_part_of_package_or_membership_onlybool?Indicates whether services can only be sold as part of a package or membership.
book_with_partial_balanceenumIndicates whether the guest can book an add-on service with the package by using partial balance: NotApplicable = 1, Block = 2, and AllowWithWarning = 3.

redemption_setting_details Object

total_paymentdecimalTotal amount that the guest paid to buy the package.
intial_recognized_revenuedecimalInitial recognized revenue that the guest can use for a package.
service_frequency_factordecimalFrequency of the recurring service (bundled with the package) that the guest must avail.
closedbooleanIndicates whether the use of the package is currently suspended for the guest.
allowed_redeemable_amount_for_partial_paymentdecimalTotal redeemable amount that the guest can use to make a partial payment for the package.
is_frozenbooleanIndicates whether the package is frozen for the guest for a certain period of time.
has_productsbooleanIndicates whether the package contains any bundled products.
partial_payment_without_initially_recognized_amountdecimalPartial amount that the guest can pay for the package, without including the initially recognized amount.
restrict_redemption_in_this_centerbooleanIf this is true (1), guests can redeem a package only at the center from which they bought it. If false (0), guests can redeem the package at any center.
center_namestringCenter from which the guest bought or redeemed the package.
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