Retrieve invoice details

Use this API to retrieve the details of an invoice. This API supports multiple expand parameters to retrieve more relevant information related to invoice like InvoiceItems, Appointments, Transactions, gst_parameters, and dues_and_fees

Response Object

invoice (for InvoicePOSDetails)

JSON PropertyData TypeDescription
group_invoice_idGuid?Unique ID of the group invoice.
idGuidUnique ID of the invoice.
invoice_numberstringInvoice number.
invoice_number_prefixstringPrefix for the invoice number.
receipt_numberstringReceipt number for the invoice.
appointment_group_idGuid?Appointment group ID linked to the invoice.
lockboolWhether the invoice is locked.
is_closedboolWhether the invoice is closed.
is_refundboolWhether the invoice is a refund.
invoice_dateDateTimeDate of the invoice.
center_idGuidUnique ID of the center.
gstinstringGSTIN associated with the invoice.
invoice_duesAmountStatusModelDues associated with the invoice.
environmental_feeAmountStatusModelEnvironmental fee details.
total_priceInvoiceTotalPriceTotal price details of the invoice.
guestInvoiceGuestModelGuest details linked to the invoice.
invoice_itemsList<InvoiceItemModel>List of items in the invoice.
appointmentsList<InvoiceAppointmentModel>List of appointments linked to the invoice.
transactionsList<InvoiceTransactionModel>List of transactions linked to the invoice.
additional_fieldsList<AdditionalField<string, object>>Additional fields related to the invoice.

error (for ApiErrorViewModel)

JSON PropertyData TypeDescription
No properties were provided for ApiErrorViewModel in the code snippet.

invoice_dues and environmental_fee (for AmountStatusModel)

JSON PropertyData TypeDescription
totaldecimalTotal amount due.
paiddecimalTotal amount paid.
balancedecimalRemaining balance amount.

total_price (for InvoiceTotalPrice)

JSON PropertyData TypeDescription
currency_idintID of the currency.
net_pricedecimalNet price of the invoice.
taxdecimalTotal tax on the invoice.
rounding_adjustmentdecimalRounding adjustment amount.
sum_totaldecimalFinal total price.

guest (for InvoiceGuestModel)

JSON PropertyData TypeDescription
idGuidUnique ID of the guest.
first_namestringFirst name of the guest.
last_namestringLast name of the guest.
genderGenderSuperSetGender of the guest.
codestringGuest code.
mobile_phonestringGuest's mobile phone.
emailstringGuest's email address.

invoice_items (for InvoiceItemModel)

JSON PropertyData TypeDescription
invoice_item_idGuidUnique ID of the invoice item.
idGuidUnique ID of the item.
namestringName of the item.
typeItemTypeEnumType of the item.
is_giftcardbool?Indicates if it's a gift card.
codestringItem code.
priceItemPriceViewModelPrice details of the item.
quantityintQuantity of the item.
sale_by_idGuid?ID of the salesperson.
therapist_namestringTherapist associated with item.
hsnstringHSN code.
sacstringSAC code.

appointments (for InvoiceAppointmentModel)

JSON PropertyData TypeDescription
idGuidUnique ID of the appointment.
invoice_item_idGuidLinked invoice item ID.
service_namestringName of the service.
service_idGuidID of the service.
start_timeDateTimeStart time of the service.
end_timeDateTimeEnd time of the service.
serviceduration_in_miutesintDuration of the service in minutes.
has_add_onsboolWhether the service has add-ons.
is_add_onboolWhether the service is an add-on.
therapist_namestringName of the therapist.
therapist_idGuid?ID of the therapist.
package_idGuid?Linked package ID.
is_recurringboolIndicates if the appointment recurs.
cart_item_idGuid?Linked cart item ID.
appointment_typeAppointmentTypeViewModelType of the appointment.
therapist_request_typeintTherapist request type.
room_idGuid?Linked room ID.
room_namestringName of the room.
equipment_idGuid?Linked equipment ID.
equipment_namestringName of the equipment.

transactions (for InvoiceTransactionModel)

JSON PropertyData TypeDescription
payment_optionPaymentOptionViewModelPayment option details.
total_amount_paiddecimalTotal amount paid.
amount_paiddecimalAmount paid in the transaction.
tip_amountdecimalTip amount paid.
ssg_amountdecimalSSG amount paid.
donation_amountdecimalDonation amount included.
fee_amountdecimalFee amount paid.
cash_back_amountdecimalCashback amount received.
transaction_idGuid?Unique ID of the transaction.
payment_dateDateTime?Date of the payment.
cash_regester_idGuid?Linked cash register ID.

error Object

602User does not have access.
438cannot access.
401Authorization has been denied for this request.
602Cannot access.
400The request is invalid.
405The requested resource does not support http method 'GET'.
418couldn't find invoice with the id provided, invoice id :
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