Create a guest form

This API helps you to create a guest form for the specified guest.You must specify the unique identifier of the guest as guest_id in the API request.

Note: Retrieving/updating uploaded files, signatures and annotations are not supported.

Request Body Parameters

datastringComplete guest form data in JSON format.
guest_datastringGuest data in JSON format.
is_form_submittedbooleanIndicates whether the form has been submitted.
form_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the guest form.
is_required_filledbooleanIndicates whether the form must be mandatorily filled.
is_reviewedbooleanIndicates whether the form has been reviewed.
tag_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the guest form's associated tag.
SourcestringSource from which the form is saved.

Response Details

successbooleanTrue if the guest form has been successfully created and saved.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!