Retrieve the list of reasons

This API retrieves the list of specific reasons that a center's front-desk executives can select from when they cancel a membership, cancel an appointment, or mark a guest as a turnaway.

Response Details

reasonpkintReason pk details.
idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the reason.
codestringReason code.
namestringName of the reason.
descriptionstringDescription about the reason.
object_typeenumIndicates the reasons belong to which type or category: 0 - Membership, 1 - Turnaways, 2 - Appointment, 3 - Deletion, and 4 - LoyaltyPoints.
action_typeenumIndicates the action type of the reason: 0 - Cancel and 1 - Update.
Default value: 0.
activebooleanIndicates whether the reason is currently active.
show_in_online_bookingbooleanIndicates whether the reason is to be displayed during online cancellations.
ErrorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details.
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