Add employee with catalog information

This API helps you to create an employee profile, along with catalog information in a center.
Note: For information on how to update the details of a previously-created employee profile, click here.

You must specify necessary details for the mandatory and optional object parameters in the API request body. If you assign a particular role to the specified employee, this API creates an employee profile with the provided role ID. Otherwise, this API assigns a default role to the newly-created employee.
For more information on security roles, refer to the Retrieve the list of security roles in a center API.

Request Body Parameters


Json propertyData typeDescription
idGuidUnique identifier of the employee.
codestringCode used to represent the employee.
center_idGuidUnique identifier of the center.
is_consultantbool?Indicates whether employee is a consultant.
created_byGuidCreated by Id - login employee id.
personal_infoEmployeePersonalInfoPersonal information of the employee.
addressEmployeeAddressAddress information of the employee.
login_infoEmployeeLoginInfoLogin information of the employee.
job_infoEmployeeJobInfoJob information of the employee.
preference_infoEmployeePreferenceInfoPreference information of the employee.
payroll_infoEmployeePayrollInfoPayroll information of the employee.
vanity_image_urlstringEmployee profile image.
rolesEmployeeRolesEmployee roles.
catalog_infoEmployeeCatalogInfoCatalog information of the employee.


Json propertyData typeDescription
security_profile_idGuidUnique identifier of the role.


Json propertyData typeDescription
job_idGuidUnique identifier of the job.
job_namestringName of the job.
designation_idGuid?Unique identifier of the designation.
company_namestringName of the company.
salarydoubleSalary of the employee.
hourly_ratedoubleHourly rate of the employee.
holiday_pay_ratedouble?Holiday hours pay rate.
vacation_pay_ratedouble?Vacation hours pay rate.
overtime_baseline_hoursdoubleOvertime baseline hours.
overtime_typeintType of the overtime day, week or pay period.
overtime_multiplierdouble?Multiplier for the over time.
advanced_overtimeAdvancedOvertimeConfigurationAdvanced overtime configuration.
work_task_idsListArray of work task ids.
request_therapist_bonusdoubleTherapist bonus requested for the employee.
mandatory_break_periodintBreak period given to the employee.
is_elgible_for_additional_commision_bonusboolIndicates whether employee is eligible for additional commission hours.
max_work_hoursintMaximum working hours of the employee.
target_revenuedoubleTarget revenue of the employee.
vacation_daysintNumber of days given to employee for vacation.
special_leave_daysintNumber of days given to employee as special leave.
start_dateDateTimeStart date of the employee.
end_dateDateTime?End date of the employee.
tenure_start_dateDateTime?Tenure start date of the employee.
pay_typeEmployeePayTypePayroll type of the employee.


Json propertyData typeDescription
culture_idintUnique identifier of the culture.
search_tagsstringTags associated to the employee.
receive_marketing_emailsboolIndicates whether employee can receive marketing emails.
receive_marketing_messagesboolIndicates whether employee can receive marketing messages.
receive_transactional_emailsboolIndicates whether employee can receive transactional emails.
receive_transactional_messagesboolIndicates whether employee can receive transactional messages.
receive_daily_reportsboolIndicates whether employee can receive daily reports.
receive_register_closure_reportboolIndicates whether employee can receive register closure report.
waive_biometric_checkinboolIndicates whether employee biometric check-in is waived or not.
access_manager_productivity_appboolIndicates whether employee can access manager productivity app.
is_mentorboolIndicates whether employee is a mentor.
access_employee_productivity_appboolIndicates whether employee can access employee productivity app.
access_codestringAccess code of the employee.
keywordstringKeywords used to search the employee.
allow_analytics_accessintIndicates analytics access level.
allow_api_accessboolIndicates whether employee is granted to access the APIs.
text_field_1stringPrimary text field.
text_field_2stringSecondary text field.
additional_date_1DateTimeAdditional date given to the employee.
additional_date_2DateTimeAdditional date given to the employee.
send_confirmation_for_scheduled_appointmentsboolIndicates whether to send confirmation email/text for scheduled appointments.


Json propertyData typeDescription
first_namestringFirst name of the employee.
middle_namestringMiddle name of the employee.
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