Fetch Employee audit report

This API gives the audit report of the activities of employees based on the filter.

Request object

  • Page: The page number of the page you want to view the records, defaults to 1 (if not specified)
  • Size: The page size, the number of records to be shown on the page, defaults to 10 (if not specified)
JSON PropertyData TypeDescription
centersMultiCenterRequestModelRepresents a request model for multiple centers
employeesMultiGuidFilterRequestModelRepresents a request model for multiple employees
object_typeMultiIntFilterRequestModelRepresents a request model for multiple integer filters related to object type
search_guidMultiGuidFilterRequestModelRepresents a request model for multiple GUID filters for searching
group_columnsListA list of strings used for grouping columns in the report
start_dateDateTimeStart date for the report duration
end_dateDateTimeEnd date for the report duration

Response object

JSON PropertyData TypeDescription
changed_onDateTime?Date on which the change was done
employee_center_namestringEmployee center name
levelstringName of the Org/center for which changes took place
employee_namestringName of the employee
object_idGuid?It could be orgid/centerid/serviceid/productid/roleid based on the input parameter
object_typeAuditObjectType?1-> Org, 2-> center, 3-> Role permission, 4-> Services, 5-> Products
object_namestringName of the object
object_action_namestringName of the action
action_typestringAction type (Insert, Update)
old_valuestringOld value before the change
new_valuestringNew value after the change
updated_by_emailstringEmail ID of the user who made the update
updated_by_systemstringSystem user who made the update
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!