List all products of a center

This API helps you to retrieve all the products that are active in the center on the specified date.

You must specify the unique identifier of the center as center_id in the API request.
API helps you to retrieve all the employees that are active in the center on the specified date.

You must specify the unique identifier of the center as center_id in the API request.
You can also leverage the pagination feature by passing page and size query parameters if you have a large number of records to be displayed. By default, page is set as 1 and size is set as 10. size cannot be more than 100: which means that the maximum records per page cannot be more than 100.

Response Details

productsobjectObject that contains all the products-related info.
commissionsobjectObject that contains commissions info of the products (if any).
preferencesobjectObject that contains the type of product details.
barcodesobjectObject that contains the barcode details of the product.
tagsobjectObject that contains the tags info of the product.
catalog_infoobjectObject that contains the catalog details of the product.
centersobjectObject that contains the products and their associated centers.
inventory_infoobjectObject that contains the inventory info of the products.
page_infoobjectObject that contains all the page display-related elements.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the error Object table.

products Object

idguidUnique identifier of the product.
codeidCode of the product.
namestringName of the product.
descriptionstringDescription of the product.
html_descriptionstringDescription of the product in HTML.
category_idguidUnique identifier of the category of the product.
sub_category_idguidUnique identifier of the sub-category of the product.
business_unit_idguidUnique identifier of the business unit of the product.
quantityobjectObject containing the quantity details of the product.
valueintQuantity of the product.
unitstringUnit of measurement of the quantity.

commissions Object

eligibleboolDenotes if the product is eligible for employee commissions.
typeenumType of commission on the product.
valueintValue of the commission on the product.

preferences Object

consumableboolDenotes if the product is marked as consumable. True: Consumable False: Not Consumable or Retail.
retailboolDenotes if the product is marked as retail. True: Retail False: Not Retail or Consumable.

barcodes Object

valuestringDenotes the value of the barcode of the product.
is_primaryboolDenotes if the product is a primary product. True: Is primary. False: Is not primary.

tags Object

tagsguidDenotes the tags associated with the product.

catalog_info Object

show_in_catalogboolDenotes if the product catalog is enabled. True: Enabled. False: Disabled.
show_priceboolDenotes if the price of the product is shown. True: Product price is shown. False: Product price is not shown.
display_namestringName of the product as shown in Zenoti.
display_pricestringPrice of the product as shown in Zenoti.
video_urlstringVideo URL of the product (if any).

centers Object

center_idguidUnique identifier of the center.
center_codestringCode of the center.
sale_infoobjectObject containing the sales information of the product.
currency_idintId of the currency in which the product is sold.
include_taxboolDenotes if the tax is included in the sale price of the product. True: Tax is included. False: Tax is not included.
tax_idstringTax identifier for the product.
sale_priceintSale price of the product at the center.

inventory_info Object

desired_quantityintThe desired quantity or the stock of the product.
alert_quantityintAlert quantity of the product. Zenoti will alert you if the stock of the product falls below the alert quantity.
transfer_priceintTransfer price of the product if moved across centers.
transfer_tax_ididTax id for transferring the product.
orderintPurchase orders raised for the product.

error Object

401Authorization has been denied for this request.
502invalid center_id.
400The request is invalid.
502cannot access, center is not catalog enabled.
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