Retrieve a service offered in a center

This API helps you to retrieve the details of a specific service at the required center.

You must specify in the API request the unique identifier of the location (center) as center_id and the unique identifier of the service as service_id. The API then retrieves the details of the service.
You can also use the expand parameter in the API request to specify details for the additional_info, catalog_info, variants_info, add_ons_info, and image_paths parameters.

Response Details

idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the service.
codestringCode to identify the service.
namestringName of the service.
descriptionstringDescription about the service.
durationintLength of the service in minutes.
recovery_timeintRecovery time after the service.
price_infoobjectObject that contains all the price-related details for the service.
additional_infoobjectObject that contains all the additional information about the service.
catalog_infoobjectObject that contains all the catalog-related information about the service.
variants_infoobjectObject that contains all the details whether the service has a variant.
add_ons_infoobjectObject that contains all the add-ons related information of the service.
image_paths stringContains the 800 pixel image URL of the service.
parallel_service_groupsobjectObject that contains the id of the parallel service group.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the error Object table.

error Object

401Authorization has been denied for this request.
502Invalid center_id is passed.
502Service with not found.
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