Retrieve the saved credit/debit cards of a guest

This API helps you to retrieve the saved credit/debit cards of a guest at the specified center.

You must specify appropriate details for the parameters in the API request. For more information, refer to the Request Parameters table.

Response Details

ErrorobjectObject that contains error-related details: StatusCode, Error Message, and Internal error message. For more information, refer to the Error Object table.
CreditCardsOnFileobjectObject that contains the guest's saved credit cards-related details. For more information, refer to the CreditCardsOnFile Object table.
HasExpiredCardsbooleanIf true, it indicates that there are expired credit cards saved for the guest.

CreditCardsOnFile Object

IdstringID of the saved credit/debit card.
CardBrandenumIndicates the brand of the saved credit/debit card: Visa - 0, MasterCard - 1, Maestro - 2, Amex - 3, DinersClub - 4, Discover - 5, Beam - 6, DebitCard - 7, NetsNets - 8, VisaElectron - 9, Other - 21.
CardTypeenumIndicates the brand of the saved credit/debit card: CreditCard - 0, DebitCard - 1, Other - 2.
LastFourstringLast four digits of the saved card.
ExpirationMonthintMonth of expiry of the card.
ExpirationYearintYear of expiry of the card.
ExtParamsstringExternal parameters of the card.
IsSupportedCardTypebooleanIf true, it indicates that the saved card is supported.
ProcessorIdstringID of the payment processor.
ProcessorNamestringName of the payment processor.

Error Object

503Invalid Guest or Center Id.
438cannot access.
602Unauthorized access.
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