Create a guest

This API helps you to create a guest. To create a new guest, you must fill the available details of the guest along with the mandatory fields that are set in the organization guest settings and then supply that guest object. In return, you will receive the guest object along with the unique identifier of the guest. Refer to the examples to know the minimum and maximum details required to create a guest.

Response Details

center_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the center.
personal_infoobjectObject that contains the guest's personal information elements. For more information, refer to the personal_info Object table.
codestringUser code of the guest.
address_infoobjectObject that contains the guest's address information elements. For more information, refer to the address_info Object table.
preferencesobjectObject that contains the guest's preferences-related elements. For more information, refer to the preferences Object table.
tagsstringAny tags associated with the guest.
referralobjectObject that contains the guest's referral-related elements.
primary_employeeobjectObject that contains the elements of the primary employee who created the guest.

personal_info Object

user_namestringUser name of the guest.
first_namestringFirst name of the guest.
last_namestringLast name of the guest.
middle_namestringMiddle name of the guest.
emailstringEmail ID of the guest.
mobile_phoneobjectObject that contains the guest's mobile phone-related elements: country_code and number.
Note: Here, country_code is the code of the country. For example, if you specify the country_code as 225 (for the United States of America), +1 will be updated in the UI as the United States of America's phone code.
You can use the Retrieve the list of all countries API to fetch country codes (id) and each country's corresponding phone code (phone_code).
work_phoneobjectObject that contains the guest's work phone-related elements: country_code and number.
Note: Here, country_code is the code of the country. For example, if you specify the country_code as 225 (for the United States of America), +1 will be updated in the UI as the United States of America's phone code.
You can use the Retrieve the list of all countries API to fetch country codes (id) and each country's corresponding phone code (phone_code).
home_phoneobjectObject that contains the guest's work phone-related elements: country_code and number.
Note: Here, country_code is the code of the country. For example, if you specify the country_code as 225 (for the United States of America), +1 will be updated in the UI as the United States of America's phone code.
You can use the Retrieve the list of all countries API to fetch country codes (id) and each country's corresponding phone code (phone_code).
genderenumIndicates the gender of the guest
- NotSpecified (when no gender is specified) -1
- Male 1
- Female 0
- Other 3.
date_of_birthdatetimeDate of birth of the guest.
is_minorbooleanIndicates whether the guest is a minor.
nationality_idintID of the country to which the guest belongs. For example, the nationality_id of the United States of America is 225.
You can use the Retrieve the list of all countries API to fetch country codes (id) and each country's corresponding phone code (phone_code).
anniversary_datedatetimeAnniversary date of the guest.
lock_guest_custom_databooleanIndicates whether the guest's custom data is to be locked.
panstringPermanent account number (PAN) details of the guest.
Note: This parameter is valid only for guests from India.

address_info Object

address_1stringPrimary address of the guest.
address_2stringSecondary address of the guest.
citystringCity to which the guest belongs.
country_idintID of the country to which the guest belongs. For example, the country_id of the United States of America is 225.
You can use the Retrieve the list of all countries API to fetch country codes (id) and each country's corresponding phone code (phone_code).
state_idintID of the state to which the guest belongs.
For more information on how to fetch the state IDs of a specific country, refer to the Retrieve the list of all states of a country API.
state_otherstringAlternative state to which the guest belongs.
zip_codestringZip code of the guest's address.

preferences Object

receive_transactional_emailbooleanIndicates whether the guest wants to receive transactional emails.
receive_transactional_smsbooleanIndicates whether the guest wants to receive transactional SMSs.
receive_marketing_emailbooleanIndicates whether the guest wants to receive marketing emails.
receive_marketing_smsbooleanIndicates whether the guest wants to receive marketing SMSs.
recieve_lp_stmtbooleanIndicates whether the guest wants to receive loyalty points statements.
preferred_therapistobjectObject that contains the guest's preferred therapist details: id and name.
opt_in_for_loyalty_programbooleanIndicates the status of the "Opt in to Loyalty Program" setting of the guest.
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