List all memberships in a center

Supply unique identifier of the center as center_id and this API will retrieve the list of memberships associated with that center if the membership falls within the active sale period.

Response Details

membershipsobjectObject containing the list of memberships available in the center
total_no_of_membershipsintegerTotal no of memberships

Membership Object

idguidunique identifier of the membership
version_idguidunique identifier of the membership version
namestringname of the membership
pricedoubleprice of the template
can_bookbooleanwhether this membership can be booked
show_pricebooleanwhether the price has to be shown
display_namestringdisplay name of the membership
image_pathsdictionaryname-value pairs of membership images containing pixel sizes and location respectively
is_recurring_membershipbooleanif this membership is a recurring membership
membership_typeinteger0-Non-recurring, 1-Recurring, 2-Setup
first_collection_afterintegerNumber of days after which first collection occurs
descriptionstringdescription of the membership
html_descriptionstringdescription of the membership containing html elements
terms_and_conditionsstringText containing terms and conditions of the membership
terms_and_conditions_acceptancestringAcceptance text of the terms and conditions
enforce_mandatory_fieldsbooleanEnforce mandatory fields in the membership
payment_frequencystringIn Days Or Months - Frequency of the payment in case of recurring membership
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