Retrieve the packages associated with classes

This API helps you to retrieve the packages that have a benefit associated with the specified class.

You must provide the appropriate details in the API request for the search_type and item_ids parameters. Optionally, you can also specify the required details in the API request for several other parameters to filter the search results in the API response. Refer to the Request Parameters table for more information.

Response Details

errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the Error Object table.
packagesobjectObject that contains detailed information on the various packages that have a benefit associated with the specified class. For more information, refer to the packages Object table.
page_detailsobjectObject that contains the number of search results in the API response, number of pages of search results, and number of search results displayed per page.

packages Object

idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the package that has a benefit associated with the class.
namestringName of the package.
descriptionstring?Description of the package.
codestring?Code related to the package.
has_bundled_productsbooleanIndicates whether the package contains any bundled products.
durationintLength in minutes of the service associated with the package.
bundled_product_priceCheckintPrice of the products bundled with the package.
bundled_product_price_percentagedoublePercentage of the price of the products bundled with the package.
package_price_with_out_taxdoublePrice of the package without tax.
typeintUnique identifier of the type of the package.
priceobjectObject that contains detailed information on the various price elements of the package. For more information, refer to the Price Object table.
package_cost_inc_bundled_productsdoubleCost of the package including bundled products.
servicesstring?Services associated with the package.
itemsstring?Items associated with the package.
can_bookbooleanIndicates whether the package can be booked.
package_display_namestringName of the package that is displayed.
package_display_priceintPrice of the package that is displayed.
description_htmlstringDescription of the package that contains HTML elements.
terms_and_conditionsstringText that contains terms and conditions of the package.
expiration_datedatetime?Date on which the package expires.
expiration_daysintDays after which the package expires.
scheduled_payment_frequencyintIn days or months - the frequency of scheduled payment for the package.
scheduled_payment_frequency_typeintType of scheduled payment for the package.
restrict_redemption_to_this_centerintIndicates whether the package can be redeemed only at the specified center.
center_namestringName of the specified center.
package_category_namestringName of the package category.

price_details Object

currency_codeintUnique identifier of the currency used to buy the package.
currency_symbolstringSymbol of the currency used to buy the package.
sale_pricedoubleSales price of the package.
sale_taxdoubleSale tax on the price of the package.
final_pricedoubleFinal price of the package.

error Object

503 - MissingInputSearch Type is not provided. (Hint: 0: Class, 1: Center).
502 - InvalidInputSearch Type is invalid. (Hint: 0: Class, 1: Center).
503 - MissingInputItem Ids list is not provided.
404 - ObjectNotFoundNo Data found.
506 - IOException Something went wrong.Message: "exception_message", StackTrace: "exception_stacktrace".
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