List all opportunities

Supply the unique identifier of the center and the fields on which you want to filter the opportunities and this API will return the list of opportunities in that center.

Create an opportunity in sales module
Open Recipe


Returns the list of opportunities or returns the error in case of failure.

Response Details

opportunity_idguidA unique identifier of the opportunity
opportunity_nointegerNumber of the opportunity.
opportunity_titlestringTitle given to the opportunity
center_namestringName of the center.
sales_ownerstringName of the owner.
stage_namestringName of the stage.
creation_datedatetimeDate on which the opportunity is created.
followup_datedatetimeDate on which a followup call is planned
pricedouble?Offered price, gives listed price if the offered price doesn't exist or zero
call_statusstringStatus of the call.
guestobjectContains details of the guest.
guest.guest_idguidUnique Id of the guest.
guest.guest_namestringName of the guest.
guest.guest_codestringCode used to identify the guest.
guest.phone_numberstringPhone number of the guest.
invoicesarraycontains list of invoice objects created using this opportunity
invoices.invoice_idguidunique identifier of the invoice
invoices.invoice_nostringunique number given to the invoice
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