List all services of a center

This API helps you to retrieve all the services that are active in a center.

You must specify the appropriate details for the center_id paramter in the API request.

You can also use the expand parameter in the API request to specify details for the additional_info, catalog_info, category_id, variants_info, add_ons_info, and image_paths parameters. The category_id parameter enables you to filter services according to their respective category or sub-category.

In addition, you can leverage the pagination feature by passing page and size query parameters if you have a large number of records. By default, page is set as 1 and size is set as 10. Size cannot be more than 100: which means that the maximum records per page cannot be more than 100.

Response Details

idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the service.
codestringCode name of the service.
namestringName of the service.
descriptionstringDescription of the service.
durationintIdeal duration (in minutes) of the service.
recovery_timeintRecovery time (in minutes) required after the service has been completed.
price_infoobjectObject that contains price information-related elements of the service. For more information, refer to the price_info Object table.
additional_infoobjectObject that contains additional details about the service. For more information, refer to the additional_info Object table.
catalog_infoobjectObject that contains catalog information-related elements of the service. For more information, refer to the catalog_info Object table.
variants_infoobjectObject that contains variants information-related elements of the service. For more information, refer to the variants_info Object table.
add_ons_infoobjectObject that contains add-ons information-related elements of the service. For more information, refer to the add_ons_info Object table.
image_pathsstring?Navigation path of the image used to illustrate the service.
parallel_service_groupsobjectObject that contains the id of the parallel service group.
prerequisites_infoobjectObject contains the prerequisite services that are available in the center.
finishing_services_infoobjectObject that contains information about the finishing services of the center.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the error Object table.

price_info Object

currency_idintIdentifier of the currency used to pay for the service.
sale_pricedecimalSale price amount of the service.
tax_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the center's tax ID.
ssgdecimalService charge amount paid for the service.
include_taxbooleanIf true, it indicates that tax is to be included as part of the service's sale_price.
demand_group_idstringDemand price group ID applied to the service.

additional_info Object

html_descriptionstringHTML description about the service.
categoryobjectObject that contains these elements of the category to which the service belongs: id and name.
sub_categoryobjectObject that contains these elements of the sub-category to which the service belongs: id and name.
business_unitobjectObject that contains these elements of the business unit to which the service belongs: id and name.

catalog_info Object

show_in_catalogbooleanIf true, it indicates that the service is to be displayed in the center catalog.
can_bookbooleanIf true, it indicates that guests can book the service.
show_pricebooleanIf true, it indicates that the price of the service is to be displayed.
display_namestringName of the service that is displayed.
display_pricedecimalPrice of the service that is displayed.
display_orderintegerOrder in which the services are listed.
video_urlstringVideo URL of the service.

variants_info Object

is_variantbooleanIf true, it indicates that the service is a variant.
has_variantbooleanIf true, it indicates that the service has a variant.

add_ons_info Object

is_add_onbooleanIf true, it indicates that the service is an add-on.
has_add_onsbooleanIf true, it indicates that the service contains add-ons.
add_ons_listarrayList of IDs of all add-ons associated with the service.

error Object

401Authorization has been denied for this request.
502Invalid center_id is passed.
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