Retrieve the list of forms associated with an appointment

This API helps you to fetch the list of forms that are available for the specified appointment.

You must specify appropriate details for the appointment_id parameter in the API request.

Response Details

appointment_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the appointment for which you want to retrieve the list of forms.
form_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the form that is associated with the appointment.
service_namestringName of the service in that appointment.
service_displaynamestringDisplay name of the service in that appointment.
namestringName of the guest.
is_filledbooleanIndicates whether the form has been filled.
is_submittedbooleanIndicates whether the form has been submitted.
lastfilled_datedatetimeDate and time on which the form was last filled.
form_typeenumIndicates the type of the form: NoForm - 0, ServiceKeyValuePair - 1, ServiceHtmlForm - 2, GuestHtmlForm - 3, GuestKeyValuePair - 4, and TagForm - 5.
lastfilled_bystringName of the person who last filled details in the form.
latest_versionstringLatest version details of the form.
form_historyobjectObject that contains these form history-related elements: version_date, version_id, created_by, form_name, and form_id.
is_viewonlybooleanIndicates whether the form is a view-only form.
expiry_datedatetimeDate and time at which the the form will or has already expired.
is_editablebooleanIndicates whether the contents of the form can be modified.
is_expiredbooleanIndicates whether the form has already crossed its date of expiry.
owner_idguid?Unique 32-character identifier of the form's owner.
is_service_formbooleanIndicates whether the form is a service-type form.
source_appointment_datestringDate and time of the appointment to which the form is associated.
permissionsobjectObject that contains these form permissions-related elements: can_view and can_edit.
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