List all centers

This API retrieves an organization's list of active centers.

Response Details

CentersObjectObject containing the details of the active centers of an organization.
stateObjectObject detailing the center's state info.
locationObjectObject detailing the coordinates of the center.
address_infoObjectObject detailing the address information of the active centers in an organization.

centers Object

idguidUnique identifier of the center.
codestringCode of the center.
namestringName of the center.
display_namestringDisplay name of the center.
descriptionstringDescription of the center.
countryobjectObject containing the country details of the center.
ididId of the country where the center is located.
codestringCode of the country where the center is located.
namestringName of the country.
phone_codecodePhone code of the country.
nationalitystringNationality and the culture of the country.

state Object

ididId of the state where the center is located.
codestringCode of the state where the center is located.
namestringName of the state.
short_namestringShort name of the state.

location Object

latitudenumberLatitude of the center.
longitudenumberLongitude of the center.
time_zonestringTime zone of the center.
ididUnique id of the center.
namestringName of the location of the center.
standard_namestringStandard name of the location.
symbolstringSymbol of the location of the center.

address_info Object

address_1stringAddress line 1 of the center.
address_2stringAddress line 2 of the center.
citystringCity where the center is located.
zip_codestringZip code of the center.
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