Refresh an access token

Purpose: Use this API to refresh an expired access token. Since an access token is valid for 24 hours, you must use this API to generate a new access token.

Things to remember:

  • A newly generated refresh token is valid for 90 days (3 months). It will expire after this period.
  • A refresh token can only be used once.
    Caution: Invoking this API will deactivate the existing access tokens and generate a new access token. So use the Refresh an access token API only when an access token is about to expire or has already expired.

Note: Remove the hash (#) at the end, when using this API.

Response Parameters

You will see the following parameters appear under the Credentials object.

access_tokenidThis is the new access token that is generated.
access_token_expirydate timeThis is the validity period of the newly generated access token. The validity of the new token is 24 hours.
refresh_tokenidAfter you've used your existing refresh token, it becomes invalid. A new refresh token is generated along with the access token. The validity of this new refresh token is 90 days or 3 months.
refresh_token_expirydate timeThis is the expiry of the refresh token.
token_typestringThis is the type of authentication the token provides.
token_idguidUnique identifier of the token.
app_idguidUnique identifier of the application.
user_typestringThis specifies the user who is accessing the APIs. It is either "Guest" or "Employee".
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!