Retrieve the schedules of classes in multiple centers

This API helps you to retrieve the list of active schedules of classes sessions in multiple centers.

You must provide the appropriate details in the API request for the center_id parameters. Optionally, you can also specify the required details in the API request for several other parameters to filter the search results in the API response. Refer to the Request Parameters table for more information.

Response Details

sessionsobjectObject that contains detailed information on the class sessions that have been booked in the centers during the specified time period. For more information, refer to the sessions Object table.
classesobjectObject that contains detailed information on the classes that are available in the centers. For more information, refer to the classes Object table.
instructorsobjectObject that contains detailed information on the class instructors that work in the centers. For more information, refer to the instructors Object table.
categoriesobjectObject that contains detailed information on the categories of classes in the centers. For more information, refer to the categories Object table.
roomsobjectObject that contains detailed information on the rooms of the specified centers in which the class sessions will be performed. For more information, refer to the rooms Object table.
levelsobjectObject that contains detailed information on the proficiency/difficulty level of the class sessions. For more information, refer to the levels Object table.
opening_timedatetimeThe time at which the class sessions begin at the specified centers.
page_detailsobjectObject that contains the number of search results in the API response, number of pages of search results, and number of search results displayed per page.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the Error Object table.

sessions Object

idintUnique identifier of the booked session.
namestringName of the booked session.
class_idintUnique identifier of the class.
start_timedatetimeStarting time of the booked session.
end_timedatetimeEnding time of the booked session.
strat_time_utcdatetimeStarting time of the booked session in UTC time zone.
end_time_utcdatetimeEnding time of the booked session in UTC time zone.
pricedoublePrice of the booked session.
instructor_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the instructor who will perform the booked session.
assistant_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the instructor's assistant who will help perform the booked session.
room_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the room in which the booked session will be performed.
statusenumIndicates the class session status: Active = 0, Cancelled = 1, Upcoming = 2, Inprogress = 3, and Completed = 4.
recurrence_idintUnique identifier of the recurrences of the registered session.
center_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the center in which the booked session will be performed.
center_namestringName of the center in which the booked session will be performed.
registration_idintUnique identifier of the class session for which the guest was registered.
registration_statusintUnique identifier of the status of registration of the class session.
is_free_sessionbooleanIndicates whether the booked session is free of cost for the guest.
can_bookbooleanIndicates whether the guest can book the class session.
can_cancelbooleanIndicates whether the guest can cancel the booked session.
booking_stageintStage of the session-booking process.
capacityintMaximum number of guests who can accommodated in the session.
web_capacityint?Maximum number of guests who can be accommodated in the online session.
wait_listed_countint?Number of guests who have been waitlisted for the session.
occupancyintOccupancy of the session.
web_occupancyintOccupancy of the online session.
cancel_stageintStage of the session-cancellation process.
descriptionstring?Description of the booked session.
html_descriptionstring?Description of the session in HTML.
available_slotsint?Number of slots available for the class session.
current_waitlist_positionint?Current position of the guest in the waitlist for the class session.
can_book_status_idstringIndicates the identifier of the status of the guest's class-booking request.
can_book_statusstringIndicates the the status of the guest's class-booking request.
cancellation_fee_windowintNumber of days within which guests must pay the cancellation fee for the session.
cancellation_feedoubleCancellation fee that guests must pay for the session.
is_instructor_substitutedbooleanIndicates whether the instructor for the class is a substitute.

classes Object

idintUnique identifier of the class.
namestring?Name of the class.
category_idintUnique identifer of the category to which the class belongs.
start_datedatetime?Starting date of the class.
end_datedatetime?Ending date of the class.
descriptionstring?Description of the class.
html_descriptionstring?Description of the class in HTML.
catalog_pricedoubleCatalog price of the class.
capacityintMaximum number of guests who can accommodated for the class.
allow_web_bookingbooleanIndicates whether guests can book the class online.
allow_direct_bookingbooleanIndicates whether guests can book the class directly at the center.
allow_cancellation_feebooleanIndicates whether guests must pay a cancellation fee for the class.
allow_no_show_feebooleanIndicates whether guests must pay a no-show fee for the class.
display_namestring?Display name of the class.
show_in_catalogintIndicates whether the calss will be displayed in the catalog.
sort_orderintIndicates the sorted order of the classes.
show_pricebooleanIndicates whether the price of the class is to be displayed.
allow_wait_listboolean?Indicates whether guests can be waitlisted for the class.
wait_list_lock_windowintNumber of days within which guests can be waitlisted for the class.
enable_enrolbooleanIndicates guests can enroll for the class.
level_idintUnique identifier of the level to which the class belongs.
registration_notesstringNotes on the guest's registration for the class.
enable_paymentsbooleanIndicates whether guests can make payments for the class via different payment methods.
image_pathsdictionary?Name-value pairs of class images that contain pixel sizes and location respectively.
min_timedatetime?Minimum start time for all the sessions that belong to this class.
max_timedatetime?Maximum start time for all the sessions that belong to this class.
web_capacityint?Maximum number of guests who can be accommodated in the online class.
registration_lock_windowdecimalNumber of hours before which guests are allowed to register for the class.
For example, if the class is at 5 PM and registration_lock_window = 1, guests can register for the class only until 4 PM.
auto_confirm_lock_windowdecimalNumber of hours before which waitlisted guests are automatically confirmed for a class (if vacant slots are available).
For example, if the class is at 5 PM, auto_confirm_lock_window = 1, and vacant slots for the class are available, waitlisted guests are automatically confirmed for the class only until 4 PM.
sacstringServices Accounting Code (SAC) details for the class.
typeenumIndicates the type of the class: 1 - Class, 2 - Class, and 3 - Workshop.

instructors Object

idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the instructor who will perform the class session.
namestringName of the instructor.
descriptionstringDetailed information on the instructor.
image_pathsstring?Navigation path of the image used to illustrate the instructor.

categories Object

idintID of the category of the class session.
namestringName of the category of the class session.
parent_idintParent ID of the category of the class session.

rooms Object

idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the room in which the class session is to be performed.
namestringName of the room in which the class session is to be performed.

levels Object

idintID of the level of the class session.
codestringCode of the level of the class session.
namestringName of the level of the class session.
descriptionstring?Description of the level of the class session.
html_descriptionstring?Description of the level of the class session.

error Object

500 - Invalid DataSomething went wrong.
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