Retrieve the list of all vendors for an organization

This API retrieves the list of all vendors for an organization.

You can specify appropriate details for the page and size parameters in the API request to use the pagination feature in the output.

Response Details

idguidUnique 32-character identefier of the vendor object.
namestringVendor name.
codestringVendor code.
descriptionstringDescription of the vendor.
address1stringAddress 1 of the vendor.
address2stringAddress 2 of the vendor.
work_phonestringWork phone of the vendor.
emailstringEmail ID of the vendor.
zip_codestringZip code of the vendor's address.
citystringCity of the vendor.
GST_INstringGST India code of the vendor (displayed in the output only if the value is present).
TINstringTax Identification Number of the Indian vendor (displayed in the output only if the value is present).
CSTstringCentral Sales Tax for the vendor (displayed in the output only if the value is present).
GST_state_codestringGST state code associated with the Indian vendor (displayed in the output only if the value is present).
country_idintUnique identifier of the vendor's country.
state_idintUnique identifier of the vendor's state.
page_infoobjectObject that contains these page display-related elements: total, page, and size.
ErrorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details.
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