Search for a guest

This API helps you to search for a guest in the specified center or in the whole organization based on the Zenoti org level setting "Search Guest Across Centers".


  • SearchAcrossCenter = True && center_id = null => Org level search
  • SearchAcrossCenter = True && center_id = {center_id } => Center level search
  • SearchAcrossCenter = False && center_id = Null => Error
  • SearchAcrossCenter = False && center_id = {center_id } => Center Level Search


You can also leverage the pagination feature by passing page and size query parameters if you have a large number of records to be displayed. By default, page is set as 1 and size is set as 10. size cannot be more than 100: which means that the maximum records per page cannot be more than 100.By default, this API searches for a guest in a center.

Zone level search

To search for a guest in the zone, use the following API:


Response Details

guestsobjectObject that contains all the guests-related elements in the center.
page_infoobjectObject that contains page display-related elements of the guest records.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!