List all products purchased by a guest

Provide unique identifier of the guest as guest_id and this API will retrieve the products purchased by the guest.

Response Details

productsobjectObject containing the info of the products purchased by the guest.
centerobjectObject containing the details of the center where the guest purchased the product.
invoiceobjectObject containing the details of the invoice raised for the product purchase.
page_infoobjectPage details of the API response.

products Object

idguidUnique identifier of the product.
namestringName of the product.
quantityintQuantity of the product purchased by the guest.
sale_bystringName of the employee who sold the product.
sale_datedatetimeDate on which guest purchased the product.
pricedoubleCost of the product.
discountdoubleDiscount applied while purchasing the product.
taxesdoubleTaxes applied while purchasing the product.
price_paiddoublePrice paid by the guest.
promotionstringPromotion applied while purchasing the product.
payment_typestringType of the payment.

invoice Object

idguidUnique identifier of the
sourceenumSource from which invoice is generated.
Web = 0
CustomerApp = 1
WebStore = 2
Imports = 3
Offline = 4
Dunning = 5
EmployeeApp = 6
ManagerApp = 7
AutoCollection = 8
Take5 = 11
statusstringcurrent status of th
invoice_numberstringUnique number used to represent the
receipt_numberstringUnique number used to represent the
invoice_item_idguidUnique identifier of the invoic

center Object

center.idguidUnique identifier of the center.
center.namestringName of the center.
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