Cancel the membership of a guest

This API helps you to cancel the membership of a guest.

You must specify appropriate details for the guest_id and membership_id parameters in the API request.

Optionally, you can specify the necessary details for the cancellation_date and termination_date parameters in the API request body.

Request Body Parameters

Date from which the guest's membership is to be cancelled. If you do not specify any date, the current date is considered for the parameter by default. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Note: You must ensure that the cancellation_date value is lesser than the termination_date value.
Date from which the guest's membership is to be terminated. If you do not specify any date, the current date is considered for the parameter by default. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Note: You must ensure that the termination_date value is greater than the cancellation_date value.
cancel_reason_idintThe id of the reason for cancellation.
commentsstringThe comments added for the cancellation of the membership
grace_periodstringThe grace period for the cancellation of membership. You can activate a cancelled membership only within the grace period.

Response Details

errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the error Object table.
If error is null, it indicates that the guest's membership has been successfully canceled.

error Object

4005Invalid guest_id.
4076Membership is inactive.
403Not authorized to cancel membership.
502Cancel date must be greater than today's date.
502Termination date must be greater than today's date.
502Termination date must be greater than cancel date.
4077Membership is already cancelled.
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