Retrieve an opportunity

Supply the unique identifier of the opportunity as opportunity_id and this API will retrieve the details of it.

Create an opportunity in sales module
Open Recipe

Response details

opportunityobjectDetails of the opportunity.
opportunity_idguidUnique identifier of the opportunity
opportunity_titlestringTitle of the opportunity.
opportunity_descriptionstringdescription of the opportunity.
opportunity_user_idguidUnique Id of the user of the opportunity.
opportunity_owner_idguidUnique Id of the owner of the opportunity.
opportunity_typestringType of the opportunity.
opportunity_nointNumber of the opportunity
lead_sourceobjectlead source details of the opportunity
lead_source.codestringunique code for the lead source
lead_source.idguidunique id for the lead source
lead_source.namestringName for the lead source
creation_datedatetimeCreation date in center time.
expected_close_datedatetimeExpected close date in center time.
followup_datedatetimeFollow update in center time.
created_bystringName of the employee who created the opportunity
sales_ownerstringName of the employee who owns the opportunity
therapist_idguidUnique id of the therapist.
ticket_idguidUnique id of the ticket.
custom_fieldsarrayEach object contains id, name, and value of the custom fields.
optionalobjectoptional fields.
optional.optional_field_1stringfirst optional field.
optional.optional_field_2stringsecond optional field.
optional.optional_field_3stringthird optional field.
priceobjectDetails of the price.
price.listed_pricedoubleprice listed in the catalog
price.offered_pricedoubleprice offered for the opportunity
stageobjectDetails of the stage
stage.stage_namestringName of the stage.
stage.stage_idguidThe unique id of the stage.
priorityobjectDetails of the priority
priority.priority_namestringName of the priority.
priority.priority_idguidThe unique id of the priority.
guestobjectDetails of the guest
guest.guest_idguidThe Unique id of the guest.
guest.guest_namestringName of the guest.
centerobjectDetails of the center
center.center_idguidThe unique id of the center.
center.center_namestringName of the center.
dispositionobjectDetails of the disposition
disposition.idstringUnique id of the disposition
disposition.namestringName of the disposition.
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