Update employee of the center with given catalog details

This API updates the existing employee profile with additional parameters for taking catalog information. If the catalog details are provided then the same will be updated and other values are set to default. If the sub-object catalog details are not passed in the request body, the default values will be set for catalog details ('ShowInCatalog' are set to false and ‘DisplayName' and 'Description’ would be set to empty)..

Note: For information on how to create an employee profile in a center, click here.

You must specify necessary details for the employee_id URI parameter in the API request. If you assign a new role ID to the employee, this API will update the employee's profile with the specified role ID and remove the existing role IDs. For more information on security roles, refer to the Retrieve the list of security roles in a center API.

Optionally, you can specify updated information for any of the request body parameters.

Request Body Parameters

Employee Object Details

idguidUnique identifier of the employee.
codestringCode that is used to represent the employee.
center_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the center.
is_consultantboolBoolean which represents whether the employee is a consultant or not.
created_byguidCreated by ID - Login Employee ID.
vanity_image_urlstringEmployee profile image.
personal_infoobjectObject that contains the employee's personal information-related elements. For more information, refer to the Personal Information section.
addressobjectObject that contains the employee's address information-related elements. For more information, refer to the Address Information section.
login_infoobjectObject that contains the employee's login information-related element: username (email ID).
job_infoobjectObject that contains the employee's job information-related elements. For more information, refer to the Job Information section.
preference_infoobjectObject that contains the employee's preference information-related elements. For more information, refer to the Preference Information section.
catalog_infoobjectObject that contains the catalog information of the employee. For more information, refer to the Catalog Information section.
rolesobjectObject that contains the employee's security profile ID element: security_profile_id. For more information, refer to the Roles Information section.
errorobjectObject that contains error message and error code details. For more information, refer to the Error Information section.

Personal Information

first_namestringFirst name of the employee.
middle_namestringMiddle name of the employee.
last_namestringLast name of the employee.
nick_namestringNickname of the employee.
notification_namestringName of the employee that is to be displayed in notifications.
emailstringEmail ID of the employee.
mobile_phoneobjectObject that contains the employee's mobile phone-related elements: country_code and number.
home_phoneobjectObject that contains the employee's home phone-related elements: country_code and number.
work_phoneobjectObject that contains the employee's work phone-related elements: country_code and number.
genderenumIndicates the gender of the employee: NotSpecified - -1, Male - 1, Female - 0, and Other - 3.
birth_datedatetimeBirth date and time of the employee.
anniversary_datedatetimeDate and time of the employee's anniversary.

Address Information

address_1stringPrimary address of the employee.
address_2stringSecondary address of the employee.
citystringCity in which the employee resides.
country_idintUnique ID of the country to which employee belongs. You can retrieve the appropriate country_id by using the List all countries API.
state_idintUnique ID of the state to which employee belongs.
zip_codestringZip code of the employee's address.

Job Information

job_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the employee's job.
job_namestringName of the employee's job.
designation_idguidUnique 32-character identifier of the employee's designation.
company_namestringName of the employee's company.
salarydecimalSalary of the employee.
hourly_ratedecimalHourly rate of the employee.
overtime_baseline_hoursdecimalIf the employee works for more than the specified number of overtime_baseline_hours, it is considered as overtime for that employee.
overtime_typeintType of the employee's overtime: weekly = 7.
overtime_multiplierdecimalMultiplier for the employee's overtime amount. Employee's overtime payment amount = (overtime_multiplier x base rate amount of the employee).
work_task_idsCollection of guidArray of work task IDs for the employee.
request_therapist_bonusdecimalTherapist bonus requested for the employee.
mandatory_break_periodintMandatory break period time provided to the employee.
is_eligible_for_additional_commision_bonusbooleanIndicates whether the employee is eligible for additional commission hours.
max_work_hoursintMaximum number of working hours of the employee.
target_revenuedecimalTarget revenue of the employee.
vacation_daysintNumber of days provided to the employee for vacation.
special_leave_daysintNumber of days provided to the employee as special leave days.
start_datedatetimeDate on which the employee started to work in the center.
end_datedatetimeDate on which the employee stopped to work in the center.
tenure_start_datedatetimeTenure start date of the employee.
pay_typeenumIndicates the type of payment type received by the employee: 0 - center default payment type, 1 - Hourly pay + commission (overtime exempt), 2 - Hourly pay + commission (overtime eligible).

Preference Information

culture_idintUnique identifier of the employee's culture.
search_tagsstringSearch tags associated with the employee.
receive_marketing_emailsbooleanIndicates whether the employee can receive marketing emails.
receive_marketing_messagesbooleanIndicates whether the employee can receive marketing messages.
receive_transactional_emailsbooleanIndicates whether the employee can receive transactional emails.
receive_transactional_messagesbooleanIndicates whether the employee can receive transactional messages.
receive_daily_reportsbooleanIndicates whether the employee can receive daily reports.
receive_register_closure_reportbooleanIndicates whether the employee can receive the Register Closure report.
waive_biometric_checkinbooleanIndicates whether the employee's biometric check-in process has been waived.
access_manager_productivity_appbooleanIndicates whether the employee can access the Manager Productivity app.
is_mentorbooleanIndicates whether the employee is a mentor.
access_employee_productivity_appbooleanIndicates whether the employee can access the Employee Productivity app.
access_codestringAccess code of the employee.
keywordstringKeywords used to search for the employee.
allow_analytics_accessintIf true, it indicates that the employee has been granted access to analytics data.
allow_api_accessbooleanIf true, it indicates that the employee has been granted access to APIs.
text_field_1stringPrimary text field.
text_field_2stringSecondary text field.
additional_date_1datetimeAny additional date of significance provided to the employee.
additional_date_2datetimeAny further additional date of significance provided to the employee.
send_confirmation_for_scheduled_appointmentsbooleanSend confirmation email and text to guests for appointments scheduled for this employee.

Catalog Information

show_in_catalogbooleanShow the employee details in the catalog.
display_namestringDisplay the name of the employee.
descriptionstringBrief description of the employee.

Roles Information

security_profile_idguidThe security profile ID element of the employee's roles.

Error Information

codeintError code detailing any issues encountered.
messagestringError message providing additional context.
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