Fetch online gift card status report

This API fetches the online gift cards status report data

Response object

JsonPropertyData TypeDescription
OnlineGiftCardsListList of gift cards
CenterIdGuid?Center ID (nullable)
GiftCardIdGuid?Gift card ID (nullable)
CenterNamestringCenter name (nullable)
InvoiceIdGuid?Invoice ID (nullable)
InvoiceNumberstringInvoice number (nullable)
GiftCardCodestringGift card code (nullable)
GiftCardNamestringGift card name (nullable)
PurchasedBystringPurchased by (nullable)
GiftCardTypestringGift card type (nullable)
PurchaseDateDateTime?Purchase date (nullable)
ActivationDateDateTime?Activation date (nullable)
GiftCardPricedecimal?Gift card price (nullable)
GiftCardValuedecimal?Gift card value (nullable)
StatusstringStatus (nullable)
DeliveryModestringDelivery mode (nullable)
ShippingAddressstringShipping address (nullable)
ReceipientEmailstringRecipient email (nullable)
ReceipientMobileNumberstringRecipient mobile number (nullable)
ReceipientNamestringRecipient name (nullable)
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