API Change Log – September 14th, 2022 Release

Check the API updates for this release.


  • API endpoint: http://{apiurl} /v1/bookings
  • Scenario: Added a new parameter that allows the user to skip catalog validation for service during the reserve slot and confirm slot API calls. By default, the value for skip_catalog_validations is set to False. If set to True, the user can also book services that do not have a catalog enabled.
  • Earlier behavior: The parameter skip_catalog_validations was not present, and the user could only book services that had the catalog enabled.
  • New behavior: With this parameter, users can also book services that do not have a catalog enabled for the services.
  • API documentation link: Create a service booking


  • API endpoint: http://{apiurl}/v1/centers?expand=working_hours
  • Scenario: New parameters added in the working_hours object. These parameters provide detailed info on the center’s working hours (offline and off-peak hours).
  • Earlier behavior: The API’s working_hours object provided the day, start, and end time.
  • New behavior: Apart from the above parameters, you will see the offline line start time, offline end time, off-peak start time, and off-peak end time.
  • API documentation link: NA