API Change Log – May 21, 2024
Updates for this release.
API Endpoint: {api_url}/v1/reports/center/metrics/flat_file
Scenario: This API has been enhanced to include the newly added parameters: Gift card redemptions (excluding tax), Gift card redemptions (including tax), and Gift card tips when retrieving the Center Metrics Report data.
Earlier behavior: Retrieves all other data on the report present before the addition of new parameters.
New behavior: Retrieves the newly added parameters along with the other details of the report.
API documentation link: N/A
API Endpoint: {api_url}/v1/zconnect/center/{centerid}/guests_birthdays?page={page}&size={size}
Scenario: This API retrieves guests’ birthday and anniversary dates of the current center for the next five days from the current day.
Earlier behavior: New API. No earlier behavior.
New behavior: Retrieves birthday and anniversary dates for the upcoming five days from the current day of all the guests of the current center.
API documentation link: N/A
API Endpoint: {api_url}/v1/zconnect/centers/{center_id}/events?page={page}&size={size}&start_date={start_date}&end_date={end_date}&filter={filter}
Scenario: This API retrieves center timeline events such as appointments, feedback, bot interactions, etc. for the current center.
Earlier behavior: New API. No earlier behavior.
New behavior: Retrieves center timelines for a current center.
API documentation link: N/A
API Endpoint: {api_url}/v1/organizations/settings/{section}
Scenario: This API has been enhanced to display the catalog settings on the UI with the use of new parameters such as credit_card_required_for_appointment(0 for Not Required, 1 for Warn if not on file, and 2 for Block if not on file), enable_deposit(true/false), deposit_level(0 for all guests and 1 for specific guests), show_therapist_pricing(true/false), and display_price_as(range/label).
Earlier behavior: Hides specific settings from the UI.
New behavior: Displays settings on the UI according to the new parameters used.
API documentation link: N/A