API Change Log – June 26, 2024
Updates for this release.
API Endpoint: {api_url}/v1/organizations/{OrganizationId}/location_groups
Scenario: This API retrieves the list of all location groups in an organization.
API method: GET
Earlier behavior: New API. No earlier behavior.
New behavior: This API retrieves the list of all location groups in an organization when the parameters includeCenters and includeNoLocationGroupCenters are passed.
API documentation link:
API Endpoint: {api_url}/v1/organizations/{OrganizationId}/location_groups/{location_group_id}
API method: GET
Scenario: This API retrieves the details of a specific location group.
Earlier behavior: New API. No earlier behavior.
New behavior: This API retrieves the details of a specific location group.
API documentation link:
API Endpoint: {api_url}v1/organizations/{OrganizationId}/location_groups/{location_group_id}
API method: PUT
Scenario: This API updates the details of a specific location group.
Earlier behavior: New API. No earlier behavior.
New behavior: This API updates the details of a specific location group.
API documentation link:
API Endpoint: {api_url} v1/organizations/{OrganizationId}/location_groups
API method: POST
Scenario: This API creates a location group at the organization or the zone level.
Earlier behavior: New API. No earlier behavior.
New behavior: This API creates a location group at the organization or the zone level.
API documentation link:
API Endpoint: {api_url}/v1/organizations/{OrganizationId}/location_groups/{location_group_id}
API method: DELETE
Scenario: This API deletes a location group at the organization or the zone level.
Earlier behavior: New API. No earlier behavior.
New behavior: This API deletes a location group at the organization or the zone level.
API documentation link:
API Endpoint: {api_url}/v1/organizations/{OrganizationId}/location_groups/{location_group_id}/centers
API method: PUT
Scenario: This API associates centers to a location group.
Earlier behavior: New API. No earlier behavior.
New behavior: This API associates centers to a location group.
API documentation link:
Digital forms (Quotes)
API Endpoint: {api_url} /{guest_Id}/campaigns/list
API method: GET
Scenario: This API retrieves a list of campaigns to be associated with a quote at the time of quote creation.
Earlier behavior: Retrieves all campaigns that the guest is eligible for.
New behavior: Retrieves the list of campaigns excluding the loyalty points, deferrable, voucher, in-time discount, and cashback campaigns. It displays the offer start date and the offer expiry date of each campaign.
API documentation link:
API Endpoint: {api_url}/api/packages/{packageId}?centerId={centerId}
API method: GET
Scenario: This API retrieves the details of a specific package.
Earlier behavior: Retrieves details of a specific package.
New behavior: Retrieves details of a specific package including the new column indicating if it is a flexi-day package when the parameter is_flexi_day_package is passed.
API documentation link: